uplift analysis by winkler rigid plate model
- Uplift analysis by convergent calculation
- Rigid plate & Winkler Model
- Capable of using excel format file
- Make pdf report
> tree.
├── db
│ ├── detail.txt
│ ├── model.png
│ ├── result.png
│ ├── result.txt
├── gui.py
├── gui.wxg
├── main.py
├── rigidWink.py
├── report.py
>pip install numpy
>pip install matplotlib
>pip install reportlab
>pip install openpyxl
>pip install wxpython
move your dir, then
>mkdir db
>python3 main.py
after that,
- click file -> load sample
- push "View Model" or "Run" button
> pyinstaller main.py --onefile --noconsole --icon=images/plate.ico
> ./dist/main/main.exe
Check Release, and click main/rigidWink.exe!