Packer Template and Vagrantfile to spin up a vanilla Debian Etch box from the network install ISO.
You will need Packer and Vagrant in your path.
Debian Etch 4.0_r9 network install ISO: Download
SHA256SUM f451c3adf52feb2618cd458fdd758bf29330788f3eb721aaf9f5cba8c20b1d61
(Notes: The iso file and its SHA256SUM provided in this repo are for reference only, it is recommended to download the iso image directly from
and verify its authenticity)
Debian Etch example-preseed.txt
: Link
git clone
packer build debian4.json
vagrant box add --name debian4
vagrant up
ssh -p 2222 root@
Default SSH username/password is root
Clean up:
vagrant destroy
vagrant box remove debian4
rm -f