2 | 2 |
3 | 3 | exports[`Accounts.vue Should load stored accounts 1`] = `
4 | 4 | <div class="container container--fluid">
5 |
| - <div class="v-dialog__container"> |
6 |
| - <!----> |
7 |
| - </div> |
8 |
| - <div class="v-dialog__container"> |
9 |
| - <!----> |
10 |
| - </div> |
11 |
| - <div class="v-data-table v-data-table--has-top v-data-table--has-bottom theme--light"> |
12 |
| - <header class="py-0 v-sheet theme--light v-toolbar v-toolbar--dense v-toolbar--flat" style="height: 48px;"> |
13 |
| - <div class="v-toolbar__content" style="height: 48px;"> |
14 |
| - <div class="spacer"></div> <span class="v-tooltip v-tooltip--bottom"><!----></span><button type="button" class="mr-2 v-btn v-btn--has-bg theme--light v-size--small primary" id="resyncAllAccounts" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false"><span class="v-btn__content"><i aria-hidden="true" class="v-icon notranslate mr-1 mdi mdi-sync theme--light" style="font-size: 16px;"></i>Resync |
15 |
| - </span></button> <button type="button" class="mr-2 v-btn v-btn--has-bg theme--light v-size--small primary"><span class="v-btn__content"><i aria-hidden="true" class="v-icon notranslate mr-1 mdi mdi-plus theme--light" style="font-size: 16px;"></i>Add Account |
16 |
| - </span></button> |
| 5 | + <div class="v-card v-sheet v-sheet--outlined theme--light"> |
| 6 | + <div class="v-card__text"> |
| 7 | + <div class="v-dialog__container"> |
| 8 | + <!----> |
17 | 9 | </div>
18 |
| - </header> |
19 |
| - <div class="v-data-table__wrapper"> |
20 |
| - <table> |
21 |
| - <colgroup> |
22 |
| - <col class=""> |
23 |
| - <col class=""> |
24 |
| - <col class=""> |
25 |
| - </colgroup> |
26 |
| - <thead class="v-data-table-header"> |
27 |
| - <tr> |
28 |
| - <th role="columnheader" scope="col" aria-label="Address: Sorted descending. Activate to sort ascending." aria-sort="descending" class="text-start sortable active desc"><span>Address</span><i aria-hidden="true" class="v-icon notranslate v-data-table-header__icon mdi mdi-arrow-up theme--light" style="font-size: 18px;"></i></th> |
29 |
| - <th role="columnheader" scope="col" aria-label="Balance: Not sorted. Activate to sort ascending." aria-sort="none" class="text-start sortable"><span>Balance</span><i aria-hidden="true" class="v-icon notranslate v-data-table-header__icon mdi mdi-arrow-up theme--light" style="font-size: 18px;"></i></th> |
30 |
| - <th role="columnheader" scope="col" aria-label="Actions: Not sorted. Activate to sort ascending." aria-sort="none" class="text-start sortable"><span>Actions</span><i aria-hidden="true" class="v-icon notranslate v-data-table-header__icon mdi mdi-arrow-up theme--light" style="font-size: 18px;"></i></th> |
31 |
| - </tr> |
32 |
| - </thead> |
33 |
| - <tbody> |
34 |
| - <tr class=""> |
35 |
| - <td class="text-start"><span style="display: none;"><i aria-hidden="true" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false" class="v-icon notranslate mr-2 mdi mdi-lock-open-outline theme--light" style="font-size: 16px;"></i></span><span class="v-tooltip v-tooltip--top"><!----></span> |
36 |
| - <hash-link-stub hash="0x123" type="address"></hash-link-stub> |
37 |
| - </td> |
38 |
| - <td class="text-start"><span> |
39 |
| - 0.000000000000001 Ether |
40 |
| - </span></td> |
41 |
| - <td class="text-start"><a href="#">Set Private Key</a></td> |
42 |
| - </tr> |
43 |
| - </tbody> |
44 |
| - </table> |
45 |
| - </div> |
46 |
| - <div class="v-data-footer"> |
47 |
| - <div class="v-data-footer__select">Rows per page:<div class="v-input v-input--hide-details v-input--is-label-active v-input--is-dirty theme--light v-text-field v-select"> |
48 |
| - <div class="v-input__control"> |
49 |
| - <div role="button" aria-haspopup="listbox" aria-expanded="false" aria-owns="list-21" class="v-input__slot"> |
50 |
| - <div class="v-select__slot"> |
51 |
| - <div class="v-select__selections"> |
52 |
| - <div class="v-select__selection v-select__selection--comma">10</div><input aria-label="Rows per page:" id="input-21" readonly="readonly" type="text" aria-readonly="false" autocomplete="off"> |
| 10 | + <div class="v-dialog__container"> |
| 11 | + <!----> |
| 12 | + </div> |
| 13 | + <div class="v-data-table v-data-table--has-top v-data-table--has-bottom theme--light"> |
| 14 | + <header class="py-0 v-sheet theme--light v-toolbar v-toolbar--dense v-toolbar--flat" style="height: 48px;"> |
| 15 | + <div class="v-toolbar__content" style="height: 48px;"> |
| 16 | + <div class="spacer"></div> <span class="v-tooltip v-tooltip--bottom"><!----></span><button type="button" class="mr-2 v-btn v-btn--has-bg theme--light v-size--small primary" id="resyncAllAccounts" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false"><span class="v-btn__content"><i aria-hidden="true" class="v-icon notranslate mr-1 mdi mdi-sync theme--light" style="font-size: 16px;"></i>Resync |
| 17 | + </span></button> <button type="button" class="mr-2 v-btn v-btn--has-bg theme--light v-size--small primary"><span class="v-btn__content"><i aria-hidden="true" class="v-icon notranslate mr-1 mdi mdi-plus theme--light" style="font-size: 16px;"></i>Add Account |
| 18 | + </span></button> |
| 19 | + </div> |
| 20 | + </header> |
| 21 | + <div class="v-data-table__wrapper"> |
| 22 | + <table> |
| 23 | + <colgroup> |
| 24 | + <col class=""> |
| 25 | + <col class=""> |
| 26 | + <col class=""> |
| 27 | + </colgroup> |
| 28 | + <thead class="v-data-table-header"> |
| 29 | + <tr> |
| 30 | + <th role="columnheader" scope="col" aria-label="Address: Sorted descending. Activate to sort ascending." aria-sort="descending" class="text-start sortable active desc"><span>Address</span><i aria-hidden="true" class="v-icon notranslate v-data-table-header__icon mdi mdi-arrow-up theme--light" style="font-size: 18px;"></i></th> |
| 31 | + <th role="columnheader" scope="col" aria-label="Balance: Not sorted. Activate to sort ascending." aria-sort="none" class="text-start sortable"><span>Balance</span><i aria-hidden="true" class="v-icon notranslate v-data-table-header__icon mdi mdi-arrow-up theme--light" style="font-size: 18px;"></i></th> |
| 32 | + <th role="columnheader" scope="col" aria-label="Actions: Not sorted. Activate to sort ascending." aria-sort="none" class="text-start sortable"><span>Actions</span><i aria-hidden="true" class="v-icon notranslate v-data-table-header__icon mdi mdi-arrow-up theme--light" style="font-size: 18px;"></i></th> |
| 33 | + </tr> |
| 34 | + </thead> |
| 35 | + <tbody> |
| 36 | + <tr class=""> |
| 37 | + <td class="text-start"><span style="display: none;"><i aria-hidden="true" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false" class="v-icon notranslate mr-2 mdi mdi-lock-open-outline theme--light" style="font-size: 16px;"></i></span><span class="v-tooltip v-tooltip--top"><!----></span> |
| 38 | + <hash-link-stub hash="0x123" type="address"></hash-link-stub> |
| 39 | + </td> |
| 40 | + <td class="text-start"><span> |
| 41 | + 0.000000000000001 Ether |
| 42 | + </span></td> |
| 43 | + <td class="text-start"><a href="#">Set Private Key</a></td> |
| 44 | + </tr> |
| 45 | + </tbody> |
| 46 | + </table> |
| 47 | + </div> |
| 48 | + <div class="v-data-footer"> |
| 49 | + <div class="v-data-footer__select">Rows per page:<div class="v-input v-input--hide-details v-input--is-label-active v-input--is-dirty theme--light v-text-field v-select"> |
| 50 | + <div class="v-input__control"> |
| 51 | + <div role="button" aria-haspopup="listbox" aria-expanded="false" aria-owns="list-22" class="v-input__slot"> |
| 52 | + <div class="v-select__slot"> |
| 53 | + <div class="v-select__selections"> |
| 54 | + <div class="v-select__selection v-select__selection--comma">10</div><input aria-label="Rows per page:" id="input-22" readonly="readonly" type="text" aria-readonly="false" autocomplete="off"> |
| 55 | + </div> |
| 56 | + <div class="v-input__append-inner"> |
| 57 | + <div class="v-input__icon v-input__icon--append"><i aria-hidden="true" class="v-icon notranslate mdi mdi-menu-down theme--light"></i></div> |
| 58 | + </div><input type="hidden" value="10"> |
| 59 | + </div> |
| 60 | + <div class="v-menu"> |
| 61 | + <!----> |
| 62 | + </div> |
53 | 63 | </div>
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| - </div><input type="hidden" value="10"> |
57 |
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58 |
| - <div class="v-menu"> |
59 |
| - <!----> |
60 | 64 | </div>
61 | 65 | </div>
62 | 66 | </div>
| 67 | + <div class="v-data-footer__pagination">1-1 of 1</div> |
| 68 | + <div class="v-data-footer__icons-before"><button type="button" disabled="disabled" class="v-btn v-btn--disabled v-btn--icon v-btn--round v-btn--text theme--light v-size--default" aria-label="Previous page"><span class="v-btn__content"><i aria-hidden="true" class="v-icon notranslate mdi mdi-chevron-left theme--light"></i></span></button></div> |
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63 | 70 | </div>
64 | 71 | </div>
65 |
| - <div class="v-data-footer__pagination">1-1 of 1</div> |
66 |
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67 |
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68 | 72 | </div>
69 | 73 | </div>
70 | 74 | </div>
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