This action will create and run an AWS EC2 instance and then optionally terminate it as a post step.
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Configure AWS Credentials
uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v2
role-to-assume: "${{ secrets.AWS_ASSUME_ROLE }}"
aws-region: "us-east-2"
- name: Setup ARM64 EC2
id: ec2-arm64
uses: truemark/aws-ec2-run-instance-action@v5
security-group-id: "sg-0baf5bcfe9f21efa0"
subnet-id: "subnet-09a35a2abd797dbf0"
image-id: "default-arm64"
instance-type: "c7g.large"
instance-profile: "TruemarkEC2RoleforSSM"
region: "us-east-2"
user-data: |
echo "Do something cool here"
You can use default-arm64 and default-amd64 to get the latest Amazon Linux ARM. You can also use the AMI ID of your own AMI.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
subnet-id | string | Yes | Subnet ID to launch the instance in |
security-group-id | string | Yes | Security group to apply to the EC2 instance |
image-id | string | Yes | Image ID to use for the EC2 instance. Also accepts default-arm64 and default-amd64 options |
instance-type | string | Yes | Instance type to use for the EC2 instance |
instance-profile | string | No | Instance profile to use for the EC2 instance |
volume-size | number | No | Volume size in GB to use for the EC2 instance |
associate-public-ip-address | boolean | No | Associate a public IP address to the instance |
tags | string | No | Tags to apply to the EC2 instance. Format: JSON |
user-data | string | No | User data to apply to the EC2 instance |
instance-shutdown-behavior | string | No | Shutdown behavior for the EC2 instance. This may be stop or terminate. Default is terminate |
region | string | Yes | AWS region to use for the EC2 instance |
key-name | string | No | SSH key name to use for the EC2 instance |
terminate-on-post | boolean | No | Terminate the EC2 instance after the post step. Default is true. |
name | string | No | Name to use for the EC2 instance. Default is repository name and run number |
Name | Type | Description |
instance-id | string | Instance ID of the EC2 instance |
node version 16
Install the dependencies
$ npm install
Build the typescript and package it for distribution
$ npm run build && npm run package
Run the tests ✔️
$ npm test