⚠️ Renamed to vue-soppy
I don't know about you, but I'd rather be soppy than all soggy... 😜
Check out this article on Medium to get a better understanding why vue-soggy exists.
NOTE: This setup assumes you're using a vue-cli project with vue-router and vuex.
$ vue create my-project && cd my-project/
$ npm install vue-soggy
import SoggyLoadbar from 'vue-soggy/components/SoggyLoadbar';
import SoggyLink from 'vue-soggy/components/SoggyLink';
Vue.component('soggy-loadbar', SoggyLoadbar);
Vue.component('soggy-link', SoggyLink);
- Use
to take advantage of extra functionality like preloading data on link hover. Use it like<router-link>
and check out the component file for more details. <soggy-loadbar>
is a tailwindcss-styled component showing the load progress of the soggy page requests.
public/index.html (optional)
window.SoggyState = <% if (NODE_ENV === 'production') { %>@json(array_merge($data, []))<% } else { %>{}<% } %>;
You can replace @json(array_merge($data, []))
with whatever your framework can inject data with if you're not using laravel-soggy
import Vue from 'vue';
import Vuex from 'vuex';
import soggy from 'vue-soggy/store/modules/soggy';
import { soggyState, soggyActions, soggyMutations } from 'vue-soggy/utils/storing';
const initialState = {
// Add any defaults for properties you plan on passing into your app
export default new Vuex.Store({
state: Object.assign(soggyState, initialState, window.SoggyState || {}),
actions: Object.assign(soggyActions, {
// Your custom actions
mutations: Object.assign(soggyMutations, {
// Your custom mutations
modules: {
src/router/routes.json - Ideally, this file is auto-generated by some external script or command (check out laravel-soggy for the Laravel setup for vue-soggy)
name: 'app.welcome',
path: '/',
NOTE: The component
piece to your routes is dynamically generated from the name
in /utils/routing.js. For example: the component for app.welcome
will be () => import('@/views/Welcome.vue')
; or for nested routes like app.user.settings
will used the component () => import('@/views/user/Settings.vue')
import Vue from 'vue';
import VueRouter from 'vue-router';
import { soggyRoutes, soggyRouter } from 'vue-soggy/utils/routing';
import SoggyBus from 'vue-soggy/utils/bus';
const routes = [
// Override (or add more) routes found in @/router/routes.json
const router = new VueRouter({
mode: 'history',
base: process.env.BASE_URL,
routes: soggyRoutes(routes),
// For when any requests return a 401 Unauthorized status
// SoggyBus.$on('unauthorized', () => {
// router.replace({ name: 'app.login' });
// });
export default soggyRouter(router);