"F:\Research and Analysis\Reporting\Annual Reports\2022 Annual Report\2022 Annual Report Data\2022 Transfer Analysis.xlsx"
- ReviewCompleteness_30Day_V1
- DetailHistory_Reporting
- Get Accela Permits data summarized by count of Reporting Category
Delete TMP files
Establish Reporting Category
Summary of Record Types
- Get lookup list for Reporting Category by Recor Type
Filter out Plan Revision
- A second lookup of the ID without -01 at the end and lookup list against the other File Number Record Type
Count of Files by Reporting Category
- Just for current year
- setup Tree Permit Activity report in Batch Engine workflow
- filter by year
- merge with the main Accela permit csv by File Number
- Tree Total
- CHECKED in a column is the reason the tree was removed
- Tree Total is the count of trees that are approved to be removed
- Application is APPROVED
- How many trees removed apps by year
- Total trees approved by permit
- Get Tree Total by Reason
- just for current year
- what % of applications have x reason CHECKED
- Created By BBARR are the Fire Districts creating a permit on our behalf
- to look at the ones we've processed filter out the BBARR ones
- we just want to report on TRPA actions not the Fire district issued permits
- to look at the ones we've processed filter out the BBARR ones
All Banked development rights by type, land capability, location and jurisdiction
Current Banked development rights by type, land capability, location and jurisdiction
- group by High Capability, Low Capability, and SEZ
- By location to town center
- banked before and after 12/12/12
Remove things that have been banked in the past year from Existing Development on the ground (TAU, RES, CFA)
quanity that was removed should be subtracted from existing development
newly built allocations (comes from transacted data in LTinfo)
- this falls apart when we dont have current data from the jurisdictions on allocated development
opportunity to get data from GIS service....
IPES Score of 0 = SEZ, IPES 1-725 = Low Capability, and IPES>726 = High Capability