R Data Mining and ML algo implementations(Learning Basics and notes)
Data transformation and data discretization Data transformation: Replace an entire set of attribute values with to a new set. Old Values can be identified with new value.
• Normalization: 1) Min-Max, 2) Z score, 3) Decimal Scaling
Test for Normality Ho: The distribution is normal HA: The distribution is NOT normal !!!! When the p.value is less than set alpha, it implies there is enough EVIDENCE AGAINST Normality
oShapiro-Wilk Test
oKolmogorov-Smirnov Test
oAnderson-Darling Test
Histograms and Boxplots
• Remove Skewness: Tukey’s Ladder of Powers. To remove RIGHT SKEWNESS, use square root, cube root, log, or reciprocal of the variable. To remove LEFT SKEWNESS, use squares, cubes of the varaible.
• Discretization: Partitioning continous varaibles into categories.For more summarised, compat data. Required for better performance of DT nd Classifiers.Requirement for many algos. Discretization process<Complexity should be low, cosidering this is a preprocessing step>
o static attribute discretization - descretization is performed on each attribute independently.
o dynamic attribute discretization -selection of intervals on ALL attributes considered simultaneously
• Unsupervised Discretization Algorithms: Binning
o Equal Width: uniform grid Divides the range into N intervals of equal size- Width=(Range)/Bins.
??problem - Outliers
o Equal Frequency: Divides the range into N intervals, each interval with same number of observations.
??problem - not meaningful for cat variables in the dataset.
1. Decide the number of intervals, N.
When N is large- more orig info is retained. when N is small- good for subsequent learner algo.
Rule of thumb. N= #observation/(3*number of classes)
2. Width of each interval, W.
o Clustering
• Supervised Discretization Algorithms:
o chi-squared Discretization
• Smoothing: Remove noise from data
• Attribute/feature construction: New attributes constructed from the given ones
• Aggregation: Summarization, data cube construction