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Releases: tresabhi/blitzkit

BlitzKit 1.19.6

23 Apr 15:26
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Renamed Blitzkrieg to BlitzKit.


12 Apr 14:27
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Introducing the Blitzkrieg Compare tool!


  • Added Compare
    • Allows you to compare multiple tanks
    • Shows deltas in the form of differences between values or percentages
    • All stats from the Tankopedia are available here
  • CLS was reduced due to the new loading screens
  • Clicking enter when searching for tanks now selects the first result
    • The first tank name is also displayed in the search input


  • Removed the donation banner instead for a little note in the footer
    • The footer now shows the version of Blitzkrieg and the version of WoTB its running on
  • Removed frosted glass effect from most components apart from the navigation bar for performance reasons (I am looking at you, Apple!)


  • Tank search is now not ignore when changing filters

Blitzkrieg 1.18.3

03 Apr 20:25
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Making Tankopedia more pleasing to use. This update only affects the website.


  • Added crew skills
  • Added quick actions
    • For example, crew skills have the "clear" and "maximize" actions and equipment simply has a "clear" action
  • Added info buttons
    • Beside the titles of a few sections, a new info buttons have been added for extended descriptions
  • Tank configurations have been condensed thanks to a new layout that works well on most screen sizes
  • The Tankopedia now takes advantage of wider screens than before; hence, getting rid of the useless whitespaces on the sides
  • Tank modules are now neatly wrapped into dropdown menus
  • Sorting tanks by "size" has been renamed to "volume" and length has been added as a new option
  • The antagonist (the shooting tank) bar has been shrunk to only fit the its contents
  • Fullscreen mode now features all the missing dropdowns and options that were previously hidden
  • Added icons for donations on Patreon and Ko-fi in the navigation bar
  • Tank search now uses regular links allowing for things like opening in new tabs, copying links, etc.


  • Armor highlighting once again works properly even after switching around tank modules
  • Inputting invalid numbers into the pitch and yaw fields is now handled correctly
  • Removed unnecessary tooltips that didn't show up anyway due to Radix UI 3

Technical Changes

  • Upgraded to Radix UI 3

Blitzkrieg 1.18.2

31 Mar 22:49
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Redefining how micro a micro-path is.


  • The pitch and yaw controls, along with the quick equipment buttons, can once again be interacted with

Blitzkrieg 1.18.1

30 Mar 17:46
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HE gets more accurate and say goodbye to NaNaNaNaNaN.


  • Armor highlighting now works on Apple MacBooks
  • Applied equipments now persist after switching shells
  • The bottom of the tank sandbox panel can now be interacted with as it was previously blocked by an invisible layer
  • /rating now uses the midnight leaderboard instead of the absolute latest one
    • 0-battle stats are now hidden

Blitzkrieg 1.18.0

29 Mar 21:35
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Introducing the new /rating command!


  • /rating command
    • Features statistics on today's performance in ratings
    • The included stats are battles, winrate, damage, survival, and kills
    • This command also features the score, rank, and league you are at plus the reward you'll get if you are high enough on the leaderboard
  • /ratings, the old leaderboard command, has been renamed /rating-leaderboard
    • Reward icons have been removed from the leaderboard

Technical Changes

  • Rating leaderboards are now built in a more action-efficient manner.
    • This version also introduces the BKRL (Blitzkrieg rating leaderboard) file format which is an efficient way to store entire leaderboards of regions to disk (1 MB per 40,000 users).
    • Latest archival actions now build all regions at once in a single action.
  • The sharp module is now included in the build.

Blitzkrieg 1.17.2

18 Mar 21:50
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Introducing the new /research command!


  • Added the /research command
    • Type in the name of a tech tree tank you desire to research and this command will list all the expenses in researching all tanks in that line
    • The starting tank is inferred automatically by the tanks you own
      • This may be a bit inaccurate because of the lack of accurate information Wargaming provides about owned tanks
    • You are also manually provide a starting tank and a user to see the progress on a line for
  • Replaced Vercel Analytics (which collapsed under the insane amount of traffic on the website) with Google Analytics
  • Spaced armor can now be toggled in the Tankopedia armor sandbox

Blitzkrieg 1.17.1

18 Mar 02:50
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Some stability fixes.

Technical Changes

  • sharp is now included in the build instead of having being installed before runtime.
  • Png converter cache is now more memory efficient.

Blitzkrieg 1.17.0

16 Mar 20:13
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A preview command and a touchup.


  • Added /research in preview only accessible in the official Discord server.
    • More details will be posted when the command is made public.


  • /owned-tanks now returns a simple text message listing all the tanks instead of an image.
    • This is meant to improve the readability and ease of copying.

Blitzkrieg 1.16.4

13 Mar 23:29
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A few issues here and there addressed for good measure.


  • Armor layer penetration indices are now much more compact.


  • Reverted splash mechanics changes from 1.16.1 as it made them less accurate.
  • Auto-reloaders now report their DPM stats correctly with crew training.

Technical Changes

  • All files in the project were reviewed and constant exports were isolated.
  • The downloaded game in the workflow now also includes the latest patches.
  • Asset building now uses sharp under the hood which should in theory be faster.
  • Fetching CDON LZ4 files now uses no-store instead of no-cache