diff --git a/packages/core/lang/es.json b/packages/core/lang/es.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c4544bb46 --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/core/lang/es.json @@ -0,0 +1,603 @@ +{ + "common": { + "wn8_percentile": { + "0": "Muy malo", + "1": "Malo", + "2": "Inferior al promedio", + "3": "Promedio", + "4": "Superior al promedio", + "5": "Bueno", + "6": "Muy bueno", + "7": "Genial", + "8": "Unicum", + "9": "Súper unicum" + }, + "bkni_percentile": { + "0": "Súper malum", + "1": "Malum", + "2": "Muy malo", + "3": "Malo", + "4": "Inferior al promedio", + "5": "Promedio", + "6": "Superior al promedio", + "7": "Bueno", + "8": "Muy bueno", + "9": "Unicum", + "10": "Súper unicum" + }, + "nations": { + "ussr": "URSS", + "germany": "Alemania", + "usa": "EE. UU.", + "china": "China", + "uk": "R. U.", + "france": "Francia", + "japan": "Japón", + "european": "Nación europea", + "other": "Nación híbrida" + }, + "nations_adjectives": { + "ussr": "URSS", + "germany": "Alemán", + "usa": "EE. UU.", + "china": "Chino", + "uk": "R. U.", + "france": "Francés", + "japan": "Japonés", + "european": "Europeo", + "other": "Híbrido" + }, + "tank_class_short": { + "-1": "no reconocido", + "0": "Ligero", + "1": "Medio", + "2": "Pesado", + "3": "Cazacarro" + }, + "tank_class_short_plural_lowercase": { + "0": "ligeros", + "1": "medios", + "2": "pesados", + "3": "Cazacarros" + }, + "tank_class_medium": { + "-1": "no reconocido", + "0": "Ligero", + "1": "Medio", + "2": "Pesado", + "3": "Cazacarro" + }, + "tree_type": { + "-1": "no reconocido", + "0": "Árbol tecnológico", + "1": "Prémium", + "2": "Coleccionista" + }, + "regions": { + "normal": { + "com": "Norteamérica", + "eu": "Europa", + "asia": "Asia-Pacífico" + }, + "short": { + "com": "NA", + "eu": "Europa", + "asia": "APAC" + } + }, + "leagues": { + "diamond": "Diamante", + "platinum": "Platino", + "gold": "Oro", + "silver": "Plata", + "bronze": "Bronce" + }, + "composite_stats": { + "normalized_damage_dealt": "Daño", + "normalized_damage_received": "Daño recibido", + "normalized_deaths": "Tasa de muertes", + "normalized_frags": "Bajas", + "normalized_hits": "Aciertos", + "normalized_losses": "Tasa de derrotas", + "normalized_misses": "Fallos", + "normalized_shots": "Disparos", + "normalized_spotted": "Disparos", + "normalized_survived_battles": "Tasa de supervivencia", + "normalized_win_and_survived": "Tasa de victorias y supervivencia", + "normalized_wins": "Tasa de victorias", + "normalized_xp": "EXP", + "normalized_battle_life_time": "Tiempo de batalla", + "cumulative_accuracy": "Precisión", + "cumulative_battles": "Batallas", + "cumulative_capture_points": "Puntos de captura totales", + "cumulative_damage_dealt": "Daño total", + "cumulative_damage_ratio": "Relación de daño", + "cumulative_damage_received": "Daño total recibido", + "cumulative_deaths": "Muertes totales", + "cumulative_dropped_capture_points": "Total dropped capture points", + "cumulative_frags": "Bajas totales", + "cumulative_hits": "Aciertos totales", + "cumulative_inaccuracy": "Imprecisión", + "cumulative_kills_to_death_ratio": "Relación bajas-muertes", + "cumulative_losses": "Derrotas", + "cumulative_misses": "Fallos totales", + "cumulative_shots": "Disparos totales", + "cumulative_spotted": "Total spots", + "cumulative_survived_battles": "Batallas sobrevividas", + "cumulative_win_and_survived": "Batallas ganadas y sobrevividas", + "cumulative_wins": "Victorias", + "cumulative_xp": "EXP total", + "cumulative_wn8": "WN8", + "cumulative_battle_life_time": "Tiempo total de batalla" + } + }, + "bot": { + "common": { + "errors": { + "clan_not_found": "# No se pudo encontrar el clan\nNo se pudo encontrar \"%s\". Prueba seleccionando un clan de los resultados de búsqueda.", + "player_not_found": "# No se pudo encontrar el usuario\nNo pude encontrar al usuario \"%s\". Prueba eligiendo un usuario de los resultados de búsqueda, escribiendo un nombre de usuario aceptable o usando el comando `/vincular`.", + "player_not_linked": "# Usa `/vincular` para empezar\n¡No sé quién eres, pero puedes decírmelo hoy!", + "tank_name_not_found": "# No se pudo encontrar el tanque\nNo se pudo encontrar el tanque con el nombre \"%s\".", + "tank_id_not_found": "# Tanque no encontrado\nNo se pudo encontrar al tanque del ID \"%s\". Prueba escribiendo el nombre del tanque en vez de un número.", + "no_tank_stats": "# No hay estadísticas de tanque disponibles\nEste jugador no tiene estadísticas disponibles. Este podría no ser el jugador que estás buscando.", + "get_help": "Servidor de ayuda de Discord", + "uncaught_error": "# ¡Blitzkrieg sufrió un error!\nLo sentimos mucho. Siéntete libre de [unirte al servidor oficial de Discord](https://discord.gg/nDt7AjGJQH) para obtener ayuda.", + "preview": "# Este comando es una vista previa\n\nSolo puedes acceder a este comando en [el servidor oficial de Discord](https://discord.gg/nDt7AjGJQH). Generalmente este comando estará disponible pronto.", + "query_too_small": "# Tu búsqueda es demasiado corta\nDebe ser por lo menos de 3 caracteres de largo.", + "query_too_long": "# Tu búsqueda es demasiado larga\nDebe ser como mucho de 100 caracteres de largo." + }, + "wn8": { + "$": "WN8", + "very_bad": "Muy malo", + "bad": "Malo", + "below_average": "Inferior al promedio", + "average": "Promedio", + "above_average": "Superior al promedio", + "good": "Bueno", + "very_good": "Muy bueno", + "great": "Genial", + "unicum": "Unicum", + "super_unicum": "Súper unicum" + }, + "subcommands": { + "today": { + "$": "hoy", + "description": "Hoy" + }, + "30": { + "$": "30", + "description": "30 días" + }, + "60": { + "$": "60", + "description": "60 días" + }, + "90": { + "$": "90", + "description": "90 días" + }, + "career": { + "$": "carrera", + "description": "Carrera" + }, + "custom": { + "$": "personalizado", + "description": "Rango personalizado", + "options": { + "start": { + "$": "comienzo", + "description": "Comenzar en cantidad de días pasados desde hoy" + }, + "end": { + "$": "fin", + "description": "Terminar en cantidad de días pasados desde hoy" + } + } + } + }, + "options": { + "clan": { + "$": "clan", + "description": "El nombre o etiqueta del clan" + }, + "tank": { + "$": "tanque", + "description": "El tanque al cual conseguirle estadísticas" + }, + "username": { + "$": "usuario", + "description": "El nombre de usuario de Blitz" + }, + "filters": { + "nation": { + "$": "nación", + "description": "Nación" + }, + "class": { + "$": "clase", + "description": "Clase" + }, + "type": { + "$": "tipo", + "description": "Tipo" + } + }, + "region": { + "$": "región", + "description": "Región" + }, + "tier": { + "$": "nivel", + "description": "Nivel", + "choices": { + "tier": "Nivel %s - %s" + } + } + }, + "periods": { + "career": "Carrera", + "today": "Hoy", + "days": "%s días", + "custom": "%s - %s días" + }, + "filters": { + "none": "Sin filtros", + "tier": "Nivel %s" + }, + "no_data": { + "battles_in_period": "No hay batallas jugadas en este período", + "battles_in_season": "No hay batallas jugadas en esta temporada", + "players_in_period": "No hay jugadores en este período", + "tanks_found": "No se encontraron tanques" + }, + "buttons": { + "refresh": "Actualizar" + }, + "hero_stats": { + "battles": "Batallas", + "winrate": "Tasa de victorias", + "damage": "Daño", + "damage_ratio": "Relación de daño", + "tier": "Nivel", + "survival": "Supervivencia", + "accuracy": "Precisión", + "kills": "Bajas" + } + }, + "commands": { + "auction": { + "$": "subasta", + "description": "Tanques disponibles ahora mismo en la subasta", + "body": { + "title": "Subasta Blitz", + "subtitle": "%s disponible • siguientes precios %s\nPujar ahora: %s", + "next": "Siguiente precio: %s", + "available": "Disponible: %s / %s" + }, + "errors": { + "no_auction": "# No hay ninguna subasta\nActualmente no hay tanques disponibles para comprar en la subasta. Si crees que esto es un error, por favor, reporta esta discrepancia en [el servidor oficial de Discord](https://discord.gg/nDt7AjGJQH)." + }, + "actions": { + "bid": "Pujar ahora" + } + }, + "replay": { + "$": "replay", + "description": "Display replay results" + }, + "research": { + "$": "investigar", + "description": "Enumera los gastos por investigar una línea", + "options": { + "target_tank": { + "$": "tanque-objetivo", + "description": "El último tanque a investigar en la línea" + }, + "starting_tank": { + "$": "tanque-inicial", + "description": "El tanque inicial en la línea (se deduce automáticamente si no se proporciona)" + } + }, + "body": { + "subtitle": "Investigar", + "total": "Total", + "research": "Investigar: %s", + "upgrades": "Mejoras: %s", + "purchase": "Comprar: %s", + "equipment": "Equipamiento: %s", + "estimation": "# ¡Esto es una estimación!\n\nEsta lista podría incluir tanques ya investigados debido a la información errónea que proporciona Wargaming. Si puedes, prueba proporcionando un `tanque-inicial` de la línea al usar el comando." + }, + "errors": { + "non_tech_tree": "# %s no está en el árbol tecnológico\n\nNo puedes investigar un tanque prémium o coleccionista.", + "tier_1": "# %s es un nivel I\n\nLos tanque de nivel I están siempre desbloqueados gratuitamente para todos los jugadores.", + "already_researched": "# %s ya está investigado\n\nPrueba proporcionando un `tanque-inicial` al usar el comando para ver los totales para una línea que ya has investigado.", + "start_end_equal": "# %s fue proporcionado dos veces\n\nAsegúrate de que `tanque-inicial` y `tanque-objetivo` son diferentes.", + "tanks_not_on_line": "# %s y %s no están en la misma línea\n\nAsegúrate de que `tanque-inicial` y `tanque-objetivo` están en la misma línea del árbol tecnológico.", + "unordered": "# %s de nivel superior a %s\n\nAsegúrate de proporcionar %s como el `tanque-inicial` en su lugar ya que es el tanque de nivel inferior." + } + }, + "about": { + "$": "sobre", + "description": "Toda la información que necesitas sobre el bot", + "subcommands": { + "commands": { + "$": "comandos", + "description": "Lista de todos los comandos y sus descripciones", + "body": "# Comandos\n\nBlitzkrieg ofrece los siguientes comandos:\n\n" + }, + "embeds": { + "$": "embeds", + "description": "Cómo funcionan los embeds" + }, + "introduction": { + "$": "introducción", + "description": "Sobre el bot" + }, + "invite": { + "$": "invitar", + "description": "Cómo invitar al bot" + }, + "timezones": { + "$": "zonas-horarias", + "description": "Cómo Blitzkrieg infiere y utiliza tu zona horaria" + }, + "credits": { + "$": "créditos", + "description": "Personas que han ayudado a BlitzKit" + } + } + }, + "breakdown": { + "$": "resumen", + "description": "Resumen de un período por tanques jugados", + "body": { + "total": "Total", + "battles": "Batallas", + "wn8": "WN8", + "winrate": "Tasa de victorias", + "damage": "Daño", + "unknown_tank": "Tanque desconocido %s" + } + }, + "debug": { + "$": "depurar", + "description": "Muestra más información sobre el bot", + "body": { + "title": "# Depuración\n\n", + "version": "Versión", + "shard": { + "$": "Partición", + "default": "predeterminado" + }, + "uptime": "Tiempo en línea" + } + }, + "evolution": { + "$": "evolución", + "description": "Evolución de estadísticas", + "groups": { + "player": { + "$": "jugador", + "description": "Estadísticas del jugador" + }, + "tank": { + "$": "tanque", + "description": "Estadísticas del tanque" + } + } + }, + "inactive": { + "$": "inactivo", + "description": "Enumera a todos los jugadores inactivos en un clan por encima de un umbral", + "options": { + "threshold": { + "$": "umbral", + "description": "El número de días inactivo (predeterminado: %s días)" + } + }, + "body": { + "subtitle": "Inactivo por %s+ días", + "listing": "%s días" + } + }, + "full_stats": { + "$": "estadísticas-completas", + "description": "Estadísticas completas del juego", + "body": { + "cards": { + "games": { + "$": "Partidas", + "winrate": "Tasa de victorias", + "battles": "Batallas", + "wins_losses": "Victorias / derrotas" + }, + "efficiency": { + "$": "Eficiencia", + "wn8": "WN8", + "survival": "Supervivencia", + "accuracy": "Precisión" + }, + "lethality": { + "$": "Letalidad", + "average_damage": "Daño promedio", + "damage_per_tier": "Daño por nivel", + "damage_ratio": "Relación de daño", + "average_kills": "Promedio de bajas" + }, + "miscellaneous": { + "$": "Misceláneo", + "average_tier": "Nivel promedio", + "average_spots": "Promedio de detecciones", + "average_xp": "Promedio de XP", + "kills_to_death_ratio": "Relación bajas-muertes" + } + } + } + }, + "link": { + "$": "vincular", + "description": "Vincula tu cuenta de Blitz y Discord", + "body": { + "accounts_linked": "Cuentas vinculadas", + "no_role_permissions": { + "$": "%s no se pudo verificar", + "description": "No tengo permiso para administrar roles." + } + }, + "embed": { + "title": "¿Cuenta incorrecta?", + "description": "Usa el comando de nuevo y selecciona un usuario de los resultados de búsqueda." + } + }, + "search_clans": { + "$": "buscar-clanes", + "description": "Buscar clanes", + "options": { + "limit": { + "$": "límite", + "description": "El número máximo de resultados de clanes (predeterminado: %s)" + } + }, + "body": { + "title": "Búsqueda del clan %s en la región %s", + "no_results": "No se encontraron clanes" + } + }, + "search_players": { + "$": "buscar-jugadores", + "description": "Buscar jugadores", + "options": { + "limit": { + "$": "límite", + "description": "El número máximo para resultados de jugador (predeterminado: %s)" + } + }, + "body": { + "title": "Búsqueda del jugador %s en la región %s", + "no_results": "No se encontraron jugadores" + } + }, + "rating_leaderboard": { + "$": "clasificatoria-tabla", + "description": "Estadísticas de batallas de clasificatoria", + "subcommands": { + "neighbors": { + "$": "vecinos", + "description": "Jugadores vecinos en la tabla de posiciones" + }, + "league": { + "$": "liga", + "description": "Mejores jugadores de una liga" + } + }, + "options": { + "limit": { + "$": "límite", + "description": "Cuántos vecinos a mostrar (predeterminado: %s)" + }, + "season": { + "$": "temporada", + "description": "Número de temporada (predeterminado: actual)", + "choices": { + "current": "%s (actual)" + } + }, + "league": { + "$": "liga", + "description": "La liga a mostrar" + } + }, + "body": { + "top_players": "Mejores %s jugadores", + "no_participation": "# %s no jugó clasificatoria en la temporada %s\n\nEste jugador no participó en esta temporada o no pasó de la calibración.", + "no_ongoing_season": "# No hay temporada en curso\n\nActualmente no hay ninguna temporada de clasificatoria.", + "deleted_player": "%s eliminado", + "neighbors": "Vecinos de clasificatoria", + "more": "+ %s más" + } + }, + "today": { + "$": "hoy", + "description": "Tanques jugados hoy y estadísticas" + }, + "stats": { + "$": "estadísticas", + "description": "Estadísticas rápidas para un período" + }, + "owned_tanks": { + "$": "tanques-propios", + "description": "Muestra todos los tanques propios en un nivel", + "body": { + "title": "# Tanques de %s de nivel %s\n\n" + } + }, + "permissions": { + "$": "permisos", + "description": "Comprueba si el bot tiene los permisos requeridos para funcionar", + "body": { + "title": "# Permisos\n\n%s", + "view_channels": "Ver canales: necesario para encontrar el mensaje en el cual el botón \"actualizar\" fue usado", + "read_message_history": "Leer historial de mensajes: necesario para encontrar el mensaje a actualizar", + "attach_files": "Adjuntar archivos: necesario para añadir imágenes a los comandos basados en estas", + "external_emojis": "Emoticonos externos: necesario para añadir emoticonos de banderas nacionales y clases de tanque" + } + }, + "ping": { + "$": "ping", + "description": "Comprueba si el bot está vivo.", + "body": { + "pong": "Pong 🏓", + "pong_with_time": "Pong 🏓 - %sms" + }, + "subcommands": { + "blitzkit": { + "$": "blitzkit", + "description": "Hacerle ping a BlitzKit" + }, + "wotb": { + "$": "wotb", + "description": "Hacerle un ping a World of Tanks Blitz" + } + } + }, + "player_info": { + "$": "info-jugador", + "description": "Información básica sobre un jugador", + "body": { + "title": "Información de %s", + "nickname": "Apodo", + "battles": "Batallas", + "winrate": "Tasa de victorias", + "account_id": "ID de cuenta", + "created": "Creado", + "last_battle": "Última batalla" + } + }, + "rating": { + "$": "clasificatoria", + "description": "Estadísticas de clasificatoria del jugador", + "subcommands": { + "today": { + "$": "hoy", + "description": "Estadísticas de clasificatoria de hoy" + }, + "season": { + "$": "temporada", + "description": "Estadísticas de clasificatoria de esta temporada" + } + }, + "body": { + "subtitle": { + "today": "Estadísticas de clasificatoria de hoy", + "season": "Estadísticas de clasificatoria de esta temporada" + } + }, + "errors": { + "no_participation": "# %s no ha jugado clasificatoria\n\nEste jugador no ha participado en el modo clasificatoria esta temporada.", + "unrecorded_stats": "# Estadísticas no disponibles actualmente\n\nWargaming podría estar sufriendo una caída del servidor. Si hay alguna temporada en curso, las estadísticas deberían estar disponibles en 24 horas." + } + } + } + }, + "website": {} +} diff --git a/packages/core/lang/pt.json b/packages/core/lang/pt.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d4b26dca9 --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/core/lang/pt.json @@ -0,0 +1,603 @@ +{ + "common": { + "wn8_percentile": { + "0": "Very bad", + "1": "Bad", + "2": "Below average", + "3": "Average", + "4": "Above average", + "5": "Good", + "6": "Very good", + "7": "Great", + "8": "Unicum", + "9": "Super unicum" + }, + "bkni_percentile": { + "0": "Super malum", + "1": "Malum", + "2": "Very bad", + "3": "Bad", + "4": "Below average", + "5": "Average", + "6": "Above average", + "7": "Good", + "8": "Very good", + "9": "Unicum", + "10": "Super unicum" + }, + "nations": { + "ussr": "U.S.S.R.", + "germany": "Germany", + "usa": "U.S.A.", + "china": "China", + "uk": "U.K.", + "france": "France", + "japan": "Japan", + "european": "European Nation", + "other": "Hybrid Nation" + }, + "nations_adjectives": { + "ussr": "U.S.S.R.", + "germany": "German", + "usa": "U.S.A.", + "china": "Chinese", + "uk": "U.K.", + "france": "French", + "japan": "Japanese", + "european": "European", + "other": "Hybrid" + }, + "tank_class_short": { + "-1": "unrecognized", + "0": "Light", + "1": "Medium", + "2": "Heavy", + "3": "TD" + }, + "tank_class_short_plural_lowercase": { + "0": "lights", + "1": "mediums", + "2": "heavies", + "3": "TDs" + }, + "tank_class_medium": { + "-1": "unrecognized", + "0": "Light", + "1": "Medium", + "2": "Heavy", + "3": "Tank destroyer" + }, + "tree_type": { + "-1": "unrecognized", + "0": "Tech tree", + "1": "Premium", + "2": "Collector" + }, + "regions": { + "normal": { + "com": "North America", + "eu": "Europe", + "asia": "Asia-Pacific" + }, + "short": { + "com": "NA", + "eu": "EU", + "asia": "APAC" + } + }, + "leagues": { + "diamond": "Diamond", + "platinum": "Platinum", + "gold": "Gold", + "silver": "Silver", + "bronze": "Bronze" + }, + "composite_stats": { + "normalized_damage_dealt": "Damage", + "normalized_damage_received": "Damage received", + "normalized_deaths": "Deathrate", + "normalized_frags": "Kills", + "normalized_hits": "Hits", + "normalized_losses": "Lossrate", + "normalized_misses": "Misses", + "normalized_shots": "Shots", + "normalized_spotted": "Spots", + "normalized_survived_battles": "Survival rate", + "normalized_win_and_survived": "Winning and surviving rate", + "normalized_wins": "Winrate", + "normalized_xp": "XP", + "normalized_battle_life_time": "Battle time", + "cumulative_accuracy": "Accuracy", + "cumulative_battles": "Battles", + "cumulative_capture_points": "Total capture points", + "cumulative_damage_dealt": "Total damage", + "cumulative_damage_ratio": "Damage ratio", + "cumulative_damage_received": "Total damage received", + "cumulative_deaths": "Total deaths", + "cumulative_dropped_capture_points": "Total dropped capture points", + "cumulative_frags": "Total kills", + "cumulative_hits": "Total hits", + "cumulative_inaccuracy": "Inaccuracy", + "cumulative_kills_to_death_ratio": "Kills to death ratio", + "cumulative_losses": "Losses", + "cumulative_misses": "Total misses", + "cumulative_shots": "Total shots", + "cumulative_spotted": "Total spots", + "cumulative_survived_battles": "Survived battles", + "cumulative_win_and_survived": "Won and survived battles", + "cumulative_wins": "Wins", + "cumulative_xp": "Total XP", + "cumulative_wn8": "WN8", + "cumulative_battle_life_time": "Total battle time" + } + }, + "bot": { + "common": { + "errors": { + "clan_not_found": "# Could not find clan\nCouldn't find \"%s\". Try selecting a clan from the search result.", + "player_not_found": "# Could not find user\nI couldn't find user \"%s\". Try picking an user from the search result, typing in a valid username, or using the `/link` command.", + "player_not_linked": "# Use `/link` to get started\nI don't know who you are but you can tell me today!", + "tank_name_not_found": "# Tank not found\nCould not find tank by the name \"%s\".", + "tank_id_not_found": "# Tank not found\nCould not find tank by the ID \"%s\". Try typing the name of the tank instead of a number.", + "no_tank_stats": "# No tank stats available\nThis player doesn't have any stats available. This may not be the player you are looking for.", + "get_help": "Help Discord server", + "uncaught_error": "# BlitzKit ran into an error!\nWe're so sorry about this. Feel free to [join the official Discord server](https://discord.gg/nDt7AjGJQH) to get help.", + "preview": "# This command is in preview\n\nYou can only access this command in [the official Discord server](https://discord.gg/nDt7AjGJQH). The command will be generally available soon.", + "query_too_small": "# Your search is too short\nYour search must be at least 3 characters long.", + "query_too_long": "# Your search is too long\nYour search must be at most 100 characters long." + }, + "wn8": { + "$": "WN8", + "very_bad": "Very bad", + "bad": "Bad", + "below_average": "Below average", + "average": "Average", + "above_average": "Above average", + "good": "Good", + "very_good": "Very good", + "great": "Great", + "unicum": "Unicum", + "super_unicum": "Super unicum" + }, + "subcommands": { + "today": { + "$": "today", + "description": "Today" + }, + "30": { + "$": "30", + "description": "30 days" + }, + "60": { + "$": "60", + "description": "60 days" + }, + "90": { + "$": "90", + "description": "90 days" + }, + "career": { + "$": "career", + "description": "Career" + }, + "custom": { + "$": "custom", + "description": "Custom range", + "options": { + "start": { + "$": "start", + "description": "Start in number of days ago from today" + }, + "end": { + "$": "end", + "description": "End in number of days ago from today" + } + } + } + }, + "options": { + "clan": { + "$": "clan", + "description": "The clan name or tag" + }, + "tank": { + "$": "tank", + "description": "The tank to get stats for" + }, + "username": { + "$": "username", + "description": "The Blitz username of the player" + }, + "filters": { + "nation": { + "$": "nation", + "description": "Nation" + }, + "class": { + "$": "class", + "description": "Class" + }, + "type": { + "$": "type", + "description": "Type" + } + }, + "region": { + "$": "region", + "description": "Region" + }, + "tier": { + "$": "tier", + "description": "Tier", + "choices": { + "tier": "Tier %s - %s" + } + } + }, + "periods": { + "career": "Career", + "today": "Today", + "days": "%s days", + "custom": "%s - %s days" + }, + "filters": { + "none": "No filters", + "tier": "Tier %s" + }, + "no_data": { + "battles_in_period": "No battles played in this period", + "battles_in_season": "No battles played in this season", + "players_in_period": "No players in this period", + "tanks_found": "No tanks found" + }, + "buttons": { + "refresh": "Refresh" + }, + "hero_stats": { + "battles": "Battles", + "winrate": "Winrate", + "damage": "Damage", + "damage_ratio": "Damage ratio", + "tier": "Tier", + "survival": "Survival", + "accuracy": "Accuracy", + "kills": "Kills" + } + }, + "commands": { + "auction": { + "$": "auction", + "description": "Tanks available right now in the auction", + "body": { + "title": "Blitz Auction", + "subtitle": "%s available • next prices %s\nBid now: %s", + "next": "Next price: %s", + "available": "Available: %s / %s" + }, + "errors": { + "no_auction": "# No ongoing auction\n\nCurrently, there are no tanks available for purchase in the auction. If you think this is an error, please report this discrepancy in [the official Discord Server](https://discord.gg/nDt7AjGJQH)." + }, + "actions": { + "bid": "Bid now" + } + }, + "replay": { + "$": "replay", + "description": "Display replay results" + }, + "research": { + "$": "research", + "description": "Lists the expenses in researching a line", + "options": { + "target_tank": { + "$": "target-tank", + "description": "The final tank to research in the line" + }, + "starting_tank": { + "$": "starting-tank", + "description": "The starting tank in the line (inferred automatically if not provided)" + } + }, + "body": { + "subtitle": "Research", + "total": "Total", + "research": "Research: %s", + "upgrades": "Upgrades: %s", + "purchase": "Purchase: %s", + "equipment": "Equipment: %s", + "estimation": "# This is an estimation!\n\nThis list may include already researched tanks because of the inaccurate information Wargaming provides. Try providing a `starting-tank` from the line when using the command if you can." + }, + "errors": { + "non_tech_tree": "# %s is not on the tech tree\n\nYou cannot research a premium/collector tank.", + "tier_1": "# %s is a tier I\n\nTier I tanks are always unlocked for free for all players.", + "already_researched": "# %s is already researched\n\nTry providing a `starting-tank` when using the command to view the totals for a line you have already researched.", + "start_end_equal": "# %s was provided twice\n\nMake sure `starting-tank` and `target-tank` are different.", + "tanks_not_on_line": "# %s and %s are not on the same line\n\nMake sure `starting-tank` and `target-tank` are on the same tech-tree line.", + "unordered": "# %s higher tiered to %s\n\nMake sure to provide %s as the `starting-tank` instead as it is the lower tiered tank." + } + }, + "about": { + "$": "about", + "description": "All the info you need about the bot", + "subcommands": { + "commands": { + "$": "commands", + "description": "List of all commands and their descriptions", + "body": "# Commands\n\nBlitzKit offers the following commands:\n\n" + }, + "embeds": { + "$": "embeds", + "description": "How embeds work" + }, + "introduction": { + "$": "introduction", + "description": "About the bot" + }, + "invite": { + "$": "invite", + "description": "How to invite the bot" + }, + "timezones": { + "$": "timezones", + "description": "How BlitzKit infers and uses your timezone" + }, + "credits": { + "$": "credits", + "description": "People who have helped BlitzKit" + } + } + }, + "breakdown": { + "$": "breakdown", + "description": "A period's breakdown by tanks played", + "body": { + "total": "Total", + "battles": "Battles", + "wn8": "WN8", + "winrate": "Winrate", + "damage": "Damage", + "unknown_tank": "Unknown tank %s" + } + }, + "debug": { + "$": "debug", + "description": "Debug information about the bot", + "body": { + "title": "# Debug\n\n", + "version": "Version", + "shard": { + "$": "Shard", + "default": "default" + }, + "uptime": "Uptime" + } + }, + "evolution": { + "$": "evolution", + "description": "Evolution of statistics", + "groups": { + "player": { + "$": "player", + "description": "Player statistics" + }, + "tank": { + "$": "tank", + "description": "Tank statistics" + } + } + }, + "inactive": { + "$": "inactive", + "description": "Lists all inactive players in a clan above a threshold", + "options": { + "threshold": { + "$": "threshold", + "description": "The number of days inactive (default: %s days)" + } + }, + "body": { + "subtitle": "Inactive for %s+ days", + "listing": "%s days" + } + }, + "full_stats": { + "$": "full-stats", + "description": "Full in-game statistics", + "body": { + "cards": { + "games": { + "$": "Games", + "winrate": "Winrate", + "battles": "Battles", + "wins_losses": "Wins / losses" + }, + "efficiency": { + "$": "Efficiency", + "wn8": "WN8", + "survival": "Survival", + "accuracy": "Accuracy" + }, + "lethality": { + "$": "Lethality", + "average_damage": "Average damage", + "damage_per_tier": "Damage per tier", + "damage_ratio": "Damage ratio", + "average_kills": "Average kills" + }, + "miscellaneous": { + "$": "Miscellaneous", + "average_tier": "Average tier", + "average_spots": "Average spots", + "average_xp": "Average XP", + "kills_to_death_ratio": "Kills to death ratio" + } + } + } + }, + "link": { + "$": "link", + "description": "Links your Blitz and Discord account", + "body": { + "accounts_linked": "Accounts linked", + "no_role_permissions": { + "$": "%s failed to verify", + "description": "I don't have the permission to manage roles." + } + }, + "embed": { + "title": "Incorrect account?", + "description": "Use the command again and select a username from the search results." + } + }, + "search_clans": { + "$": "search-clans", + "description": "Search clans", + "options": { + "limit": { + "$": "limit", + "description": "The max number of clan results (default: %s)" + } + }, + "body": { + "title": "Clan search for %s in region %s", + "no_results": "No clans found" + } + }, + "search_players": { + "$": "search-players", + "description": "Search players", + "options": { + "limit": { + "$": "limit", + "description": "The max number of player results (default: %s)" + } + }, + "body": { + "title": "Player search for %s in region %s", + "no_results": "No players found" + } + }, + "rating_leaderboard": { + "$": "rating-leaderboard", + "description": "Rating battles statistics", + "subcommands": { + "neighbors": { + "$": "neighbors", + "description": "Neighboring players on the leaderboard" + }, + "league": { + "$": "league", + "description": "Top players of a league" + } + }, + "options": { + "limit": { + "$": "limit", + "description": "How many neighbors to display (default: %s)" + }, + "season": { + "$": "season", + "description": "Season number (default: current)", + "choices": { + "current": "%s (current)" + } + }, + "league": { + "$": "league", + "description": "The league to display" + } + }, + "body": { + "top_players": "Top %s players", + "no_participation": "# %s didn't play rating in season %s\n\nThis player did not participate in this season or did not get past calibration.", + "no_ongoing_season": "# No ongoing season\n\nThere isn't a currently running rating season.", + "deleted_player": "Deleted %s", + "neighbors": "Rating neighbors", + "more": "+ %s more" + } + }, + "today": { + "$": "today", + "description": "Today's played tanks and statistics" + }, + "stats": { + "$": "stats", + "description": "Quick statistics for a period" + }, + "owned_tanks": { + "$": "owned-tanks", + "description": "Shows all own tanks in a tier", + "body": { + "title": "# %s's owned tier %s tanks\n\n" + } + }, + "permissions": { + "$": "permissions", + "description": "Checks wether the bot has the required permissions to function", + "body": { + "title": "# Permissions\n\n%s", + "view_channels": "View channels: needed to find the message the refresh button was used on", + "read_message_history": "Read message history: needed to find the message to refresh", + "attach_files": "Attach files: needed to add images to image-based commands", + "external_emojis": "External emojis: needed to add national flags and tank class emojis" + } + }, + "ping": { + "$": "ping", + "description": "Check wether the bot is alive.", + "body": { + "pong": "Pong 🏓", + "pong_with_time": "Pong 🏓 - %sms" + }, + "subcommands": { + "blitzkit": { + "$": "blitzkit", + "description": "Ping BlitzKit" + }, + "wotb": { + "$": "wotb", + "description": "Ping World of Tanks Blitz" + } + } + }, + "player_info": { + "$": "player-info", + "description": "Basic information about a player", + "body": { + "title": "%s's information", + "nickname": "Nickname", + "battles": "Battles", + "winrate": "Winrate", + "account_id": "Account ID", + "created": "Created", + "last_battle": "Last battle" + } + }, + "rating": { + "$": "rating", + "description": "Rating player's statistics", + "subcommands": { + "today": { + "$": "today", + "description": "Today's rating statistics" + }, + "season": { + "$": "season", + "description": "This season's rating statistics" + } + }, + "body": { + "subtitle": { + "today": "Today's rating statistics", + "season": "This season's rating statistics" + } + }, + "errors": { + "no_participation": "# %s hasn't played rating\n\nThis player hasn't participated in the rating gamemode this season.", + "unrecorded_stats": "# Statistics currently unavailable\n\nWargaming may be currently be facing server downtime. If there is an on-going season, statistics should be available withing 24 hours." + } + } + } + }, + "website": {} +} diff --git a/packages/core/lang/zh.json b/packages/core/lang/zh.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1022e7325 --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/core/lang/zh.json @@ -0,0 +1,603 @@ +{ + "common": { + "wn8_percentile": { + "0": "非常差", + "1": "差", + "2": "较差", + "3": "平均", + "4": "高于平均", + "5": "好", + "6": "非常好", + "7": "很好", + "8": "Unicum", + "9": "Super unicum" + }, + "bkni_percentile": { + "0": "Super malum", + "1": "Malum", + "2": "Very bad", + "3": "差", + "4": "较差", + "5": "平均", + "6": "高于平均", + "7": "好", + "8": "非常好", + "9": "Unicum", + "10": "Super unicum" + }, + "nations": { + "ussr": "苏联 (S系)", + "germany": "德国 (D系)", + "usa": "美国 (M系)", + "china": "中国 (C系)", + "uk": "英国 (Y系)", + "france": "法国 (F系)", + "japan": "日本 (R系)", + "european": "欧盟 (E系)", + "other": "X系" + }, + "nations_adjectives": { + "ussr": "苏联 (S系)", + "germany": "德国 (D系)", + "usa": "美国 (M系)", + "china": "中国 (C系)", + "uk": "英国 (Y系)", + "france": "法国 (F系)", + "japan": "日本 (R系)", + "european": "欧盟 (E系)", + "other": "X系" + }, + "tank_class_short": { + "-1": "无法识别", + "0": "轻型坦克", + "1": "中型坦克", + "2": "重型坦克", + "3": "坦克歼击车" + }, + "tank_class_short_plural_lowercase": { + "0": "轻型坦克", + "1": "中型坦克", + "2": "重型坦克", + "3": "坦克歼击车" + }, + "tank_class_medium": { + "-1": "无法识别", + "0": "轻型坦克", + "1": "Medium", + "2": "Heavy", + "3": "Tank destroyer" + }, + "tree_type": { + "-1": "unrecognized", + "0": "Tech tree", + "1": "Premium", + "2": "Collector" + }, + "regions": { + "normal": { + "com": "North America", + "eu": "Europe", + "asia": "Asia-Pacific" + }, + "short": { + "com": "NA", + "eu": "EU", + "asia": "APAC" + } + }, + "leagues": { + "diamond": "Diamond", + "platinum": "Platinum", + "gold": "Gold", + "silver": "Silver", + "bronze": "Bronze" + }, + "composite_stats": { + "normalized_damage_dealt": "Damage", + "normalized_damage_received": "Damage received", + "normalized_deaths": "Deathrate", + "normalized_frags": "Kills", + "normalized_hits": "Hits", + "normalized_losses": "Lossrate", + "normalized_misses": "Misses", + "normalized_shots": "Shots", + "normalized_spotted": "Spots", + "normalized_survived_battles": "Survival rate", + "normalized_win_and_survived": "Winning and surviving rate", + "normalized_wins": "Winrate", + "normalized_xp": "XP", + "normalized_battle_life_time": "Battle time", + "cumulative_accuracy": "Accuracy", + "cumulative_battles": "Battles", + "cumulative_capture_points": "Total capture points", + "cumulative_damage_dealt": "Total damage", + "cumulative_damage_ratio": "Damage ratio", + "cumulative_damage_received": "Total damage received", + "cumulative_deaths": "Total deaths", + "cumulative_dropped_capture_points": "Total dropped capture points", + "cumulative_frags": "Total kills", + "cumulative_hits": "Total hits", + "cumulative_inaccuracy": "Inaccuracy", + "cumulative_kills_to_death_ratio": "战损比", + "cumulative_losses": "失败", + "cumulative_misses": "总射击失误数", + "cumulative_shots": "总射击数", + "cumulative_spotted": "场均发现敌人", + "cumulative_survived_battles": "幸存场次", + "cumulative_win_and_survived": "胜利和幸存场次", + "cumulative_wins": "胜利", + "cumulative_xp": "总经验", + "cumulative_wn8": "WN8", + "cumulative_battle_life_time": "总战斗时间" + } + }, + "bot": { + "common": { + "errors": { + "clan_not_found": "# 找不到军团\n找不到\"%s\"。请尝试从搜索结果中选择一个军团。", + "player_not_found": "# 找不到用户\n无法找到用户 \"%s\"。 尝试从搜索结果中挑选用户,输入一个有效的用户名或使用 \"/link\" 命令。", + "player_not_linked": "# 使用 `/link` 来开始\n我不知道你是谁,但你今天可以告诉我!", + "tank_name_not_found": "# 坦克找不到\n无法找到名为 \"%s \"的坦克。", + "tank_id_not_found": "# 坦克找不到\n无法找到ID \"%s\"的坦克。 试着输入坦克的名称而不是数字。", + "no_tank_stats": "# 没有这个坦克的数据\n这个玩家没有数据。你可能找错人了。", + "get_help": "Help Discord server", + "uncaught_error": "# BlitzKit 崩溃了!\n非常抱歉。请加入[官方Discord](https://discord.gg/nDt7AjGJQH),以方便帮助你的问题。", + "preview": "# 此命令处于预览\n\n您只能在[官方Discord服务器](https://discord.gg/nDt7AjGJQH)访问此命令。该命令将很快可用。", + "query_too_small": "# 您的搜索太短了\n您的搜索必须至少 3 个字符长。", + "query_too_long": "# 您的搜索太长了\n您的搜索必须最长为 100 个字符。" + }, + "wn8": { + "$": "WN8", + "very_bad": "非常差", + "bad": "差", + "below_average": "较差", + "average": "平均", + "above_average": "高于平均", + "good": "好", + "very_good": "非常好", + "great": "很好", + "unicum": "Unicum", + "super_unicum": "Super unicum" + }, + "subcommands": { + "today": { + "$": "今日:", + "description": "今日:" + }, + "30": { + "$": "30", + "description": "30天" + }, + "60": { + "$": "60", + "description": "60天" + }, + "90": { + "$": "90", + "description": "90天" + }, + "career": { + "$": "玩家资料", + "description": "玩家资料" + }, + "custom": { + "$": "自定义", + "description": "自定义范围", + "options": { + "start": { + "$": "开始时间", + "description": "从今天开始于数天前" + }, + "end": { + "$": "结束时间", + "description": "从今天开始于数天前" + } + } + } + }, + "options": { + "clan": { + "$": "军团", + "description": "The clan name or tag" + }, + "tank": { + "$": "tank", + "description": "The tank to get stats for" + }, + "username": { + "$": "username", + "description": "The Blitz username of the player" + }, + "filters": { + "nation": { + "$": "nation", + "description": "Nation" + }, + "class": { + "$": "class", + "description": "Class" + }, + "type": { + "$": "type", + "description": "Type" + } + }, + "region": { + "$": "region", + "description": "Region" + }, + "tier": { + "$": "tier", + "description": "Tier", + "choices": { + "tier": "Tier %s - %s" + } + } + }, + "periods": { + "career": "Career", + "today": "Today", + "days": "%s days", + "custom": "%s - %s days" + }, + "filters": { + "none": "No filters", + "tier": "Tier %s" + }, + "no_data": { + "battles_in_period": "No battles played in this period", + "battles_in_season": "No battles played in this season", + "players_in_period": "No players in this period", + "tanks_found": "No tanks found" + }, + "buttons": { + "refresh": "Refresh" + }, + "hero_stats": { + "battles": "Battles", + "winrate": "Winrate", + "damage": "Damage", + "damage_ratio": "Damage ratio", + "tier": "Tier", + "survival": "Survival", + "accuracy": "Accuracy", + "kills": "Kills" + } + }, + "commands": { + "auction": { + "$": "auction", + "description": "Tanks available right now in the auction", + "body": { + "title": "Blitz Auction", + "subtitle": "%s available • next prices %s\nBid now: %s", + "next": "Next price: %s", + "available": "Available: %s / %s" + }, + "errors": { + "no_auction": "# No ongoing auction\n\nCurrently, there are no tanks available for purchase in the auction. If you think this is an error, please report this discrepancy in [the official Discord Server](https://discord.gg/nDt7AjGJQH)." + }, + "actions": { + "bid": "Bid now" + } + }, + "replay": { + "$": "replay", + "description": "Display replay results" + }, + "research": { + "$": "research", + "description": "Lists the expenses in researching a line", + "options": { + "target_tank": { + "$": "target-tank", + "description": "The final tank to research in the line" + }, + "starting_tank": { + "$": "starting-tank", + "description": "The starting tank in the line (inferred automatically if not provided)" + } + }, + "body": { + "subtitle": "Research", + "total": "Total", + "research": "Research: %s", + "upgrades": "Upgrades: %s", + "purchase": "Purchase: %s", + "equipment": "Equipment: %s", + "estimation": "# This is an estimation!\n\nThis list may include already researched tanks because of the inaccurate information Wargaming provides. Try providing a `starting-tank` from the line when using the command if you can." + }, + "errors": { + "non_tech_tree": "# %s is not on the tech tree\n\nYou cannot research a premium/collector tank.", + "tier_1": "# %s is a tier I\n\nTier I tanks are always unlocked for free for all players.", + "already_researched": "# %s is already researched\n\nTry providing a `starting-tank` when using the command to view the totals for a line you have already researched.", + "start_end_equal": "# %s was provided twice\n\nMake sure `starting-tank` and `target-tank` are different.", + "tanks_not_on_line": "# %s and %s are not on the same line\n\nMake sure `starting-tank` and `target-tank` are on the same tech-tree line.", + "unordered": "# %s higher tiered to %s\n\nMake sure to provide %s as the `starting-tank` instead as it is the lower tiered tank." + } + }, + "about": { + "$": "about", + "description": "All the info you need about the bot", + "subcommands": { + "commands": { + "$": "commands", + "description": "List of all commands and their descriptions", + "body": "# Commands\n\nBlitzKit offers the following commands:\n\n" + }, + "embeds": { + "$": "embeds", + "description": "How embeds work" + }, + "introduction": { + "$": "introduction", + "description": "About the bot" + }, + "invite": { + "$": "invite", + "description": "How to invite the bot" + }, + "timezones": { + "$": "timezones", + "description": "How BlitzKit infers and uses your timezone" + }, + "credits": { + "$": "credits", + "description": "People who have helped BlitzKit" + } + } + }, + "breakdown": { + "$": "breakdown", + "description": "A period's breakdown by tanks played", + "body": { + "total": "Total", + "battles": "Battles", + "wn8": "WN8", + "winrate": "Winrate", + "damage": "Damage", + "unknown_tank": "Unknown tank %s" + } + }, + "debug": { + "$": "debug", + "description": "Debug information about the bot", + "body": { + "title": "# Debug\n\n", + "version": "Version", + "shard": { + "$": "Shard", + "default": "default" + }, + "uptime": "Uptime" + } + }, + "evolution": { + "$": "evolution", + "description": "Evolution of statistics", + "groups": { + "player": { + "$": "player", + "description": "Player statistics" + }, + "tank": { + "$": "tank", + "description": "Tank statistics" + } + } + }, + "inactive": { + "$": "inactive", + "description": "Lists all inactive players in a clan above a threshold", + "options": { + "threshold": { + "$": "threshold", + "description": "The number of days inactive (default: %s days)" + } + }, + "body": { + "subtitle": "Inactive for %s+ days", + "listing": "%s days" + } + }, + "full_stats": { + "$": "full-stats", + "description": "Full in-game statistics", + "body": { + "cards": { + "games": { + "$": "Games", + "winrate": "Winrate", + "battles": "Battles", + "wins_losses": "Wins / losses" + }, + "efficiency": { + "$": "Efficiency", + "wn8": "WN8", + "survival": "Survival", + "accuracy": "Accuracy" + }, + "lethality": { + "$": "Lethality", + "average_damage": "Average damage", + "damage_per_tier": "Damage per tier", + "damage_ratio": "Damage ratio", + "average_kills": "Average kills" + }, + "miscellaneous": { + "$": "Miscellaneous", + "average_tier": "Average tier", + "average_spots": "Average spots", + "average_xp": "Average XP", + "kills_to_death_ratio": "Kills to death ratio" + } + } + } + }, + "link": { + "$": "link", + "description": "Links your Blitz and Discord account", + "body": { + "accounts_linked": "Accounts linked", + "no_role_permissions": { + "$": "%s failed to verify", + "description": "I don't have the permission to manage roles." + } + }, + "embed": { + "title": "Incorrect account?", + "description": "Use the command again and select a username from the search results." + } + }, + "search_clans": { + "$": "search-clans", + "description": "Search clans", + "options": { + "limit": { + "$": "limit", + "description": "The max number of clan results (default: %s)" + } + }, + "body": { + "title": "Clan search for %s in region %s", + "no_results": "No clans found" + } + }, + "search_players": { + "$": "search-players", + "description": "Search players", + "options": { + "limit": { + "$": "limit", + "description": "The max number of player results (default: %s)" + } + }, + "body": { + "title": "Player search for %s in region %s", + "no_results": "No players found" + } + }, + "rating_leaderboard": { + "$": "rating-leaderboard", + "description": "Rating battles statistics", + "subcommands": { + "neighbors": { + "$": "neighbors", + "description": "Neighboring players on the leaderboard" + }, + "league": { + "$": "league", + "description": "Top players of a league" + } + }, + "options": { + "limit": { + "$": "limit", + "description": "How many neighbors to display (default: %s)" + }, + "season": { + "$": "season", + "description": "Season number (default: current)", + "choices": { + "current": "%s (current)" + } + }, + "league": { + "$": "league", + "description": "The league to display" + } + }, + "body": { + "top_players": "Top %s players", + "no_participation": "# %s didn't play rating in season %s\n\nThis player did not participate in this season or did not get past calibration.", + "no_ongoing_season": "# No ongoing season\n\nThere isn't a currently running rating season.", + "deleted_player": "Deleted %s", + "neighbors": "Rating neighbors", + "more": "+ %s more" + } + }, + "today": { + "$": "today", + "description": "Today's played tanks and statistics" + }, + "stats": { + "$": "stats", + "description": "Quick statistics for a period" + }, + "owned_tanks": { + "$": "owned-tanks", + "description": "Shows all own tanks in a tier", + "body": { + "title": "# %s's owned tier %s tanks\n\n" + } + }, + "permissions": { + "$": "permissions", + "description": "Checks wether the bot has the required permissions to function", + "body": { + "title": "# Permissions\n\n%s", + "view_channels": "View channels: needed to find the message the refresh button was used on", + "read_message_history": "Read message history: needed to find the message to refresh", + "attach_files": "Attach files: needed to add images to image-based commands", + "external_emojis": "External emojis: needed to add national flags and tank class emojis" + } + }, + "ping": { + "$": "ping", + "description": "Check wether the bot is alive.", + "body": { + "pong": "Pong 🏓", + "pong_with_time": "Pong 🏓 - %sms" + }, + "subcommands": { + "blitzkit": { + "$": "blitzkit", + "description": "Ping BlitzKit" + }, + "wotb": { + "$": "wotb", + "description": "Ping World of Tanks Blitz" + } + } + }, + "player_info": { + "$": "player-info", + "description": "Basic information about a player", + "body": { + "title": "%s's information", + "nickname": "Nickname", + "battles": "Battles", + "winrate": "Winrate", + "account_id": "Account ID", + "created": "Created", + "last_battle": "Last battle" + } + }, + "rating": { + "$": "rating", + "description": "Rating player's statistics", + "subcommands": { + "today": { + "$": "today", + "description": "Today's rating statistics" + }, + "season": { + "$": "season", + "description": "This season's rating statistics" + } + }, + "body": { + "subtitle": { + "today": "Today's rating statistics", + "season": "This season's rating statistics" + } + }, + "errors": { + "no_participation": "# %s hasn't played rating\n\nThis player hasn't participated in the rating gamemode this season.", + "unrecorded_stats": "# Statistics currently unavailable\n\nWargaming may be currently be facing server downtime. If there is an on-going season, statistics should be available withing 24 hours." + } + } + } + }, + "website": {} +}