- Update version in all Cargo.toml files in the repository
- ./Cargo.toml
- ./tremor-api/Cargo.toml
- ./tremor-cli/Cargo.toml
- ./tremor-common/Cargo.toml
- ./tremor-influx/Cargo.toml (if we have changes compared to the previous release)
- ./tremor-pipeline/Cargo.toml
- ./tremor-script/Cargo.toml (don't forget the reference to the other tremor packages)
- ./tremor-value/Cargo.toml (if we have changes compared to the previous release)
- Update version in
(minor version update only) - Update version in
- Update CHANGELOG.md
- Change unreleased section to have the new version for the upcoming release
- Update tests in tremor-cli/tests/ that match against the current version number
- ./tremor-cli/tests/api/command.yml (the version test)
- ./tremor-cli/tests/api-cli/command.yml (the version test)
- run
cargo test --all
(this will ensure the Cargo.lock is up to date) - enter the sub crate directories and run
cargo test
in each one (this is important to make sure they compile stand alone!)./tremor-common
- Create a PR with those changes
- Pull the PR once accepted and merged
git tag -a -m"Release v<MAJOR>.<MINOR>.<BUGFIX>" v<MAJOR>.<MINOR>.<BUGFIX> <COMMIT>
git push origin --tag
- Draft a new release on github
- This will trigger the docker image build jobs
- Add a catchy title
- Add the relevant changelog entries for this release in the description
Release crates to crates.io:
- Make sure you are an owner of the crates to publish
- Execute
cargo publish
in these folders in the following order:- ./tremor-common
- ./tremor-value
- ./tremor-script
Wait for the docker image to build and publish
- Verify docker image with some usage examples
- Tag the published dockerhub image as latest:
export VERSION=<version> docker rmi --force tremorproject/tremor:$VERSION && \ docker pull tremorproject/tremor:$VERSION && \ docker tag tremorproject/tremor:$VERSION tremorproject/tremor:latest && \ docker push tremorproject/tremor:latest
Create a corresponding release on tremor-www-docs. See tremor-www-docs Release Process
- update the installation instructions with the appropriate version for the documentation version (https://www.tremor.rs/docs/0.13/getting-started/install)
- update tremor-runtime/readme.md references to point to "latest" release documentation version
Release https://github.com/tremor-rs/tremor-language-server
- Bump version and update dependency
to the new version. - Checkout the new tremor-www-docs release tag in the
submodule. - Create a github tag and draft a release from it:
git tag -a -m"Release v<MAJOR>.<MINOR>.<BUGFIX>" v<MAJOR>.<MINOR>.<BUGFIX> <COMMIT>
git push origin --tag
- Execute
cargo publish
from the language server repository root. - Verify new language server installation via
cargo install tremor-language-server
- Bump version and update dependency
If syntax changed: Update the highlighters:
Go to bed.
Any or all of the following (whichever makes sense)
- Tremor Discord (announcements channel)
- Tremor Twitter
- CNCF Slack Tremor channel
- Tremor Blog