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changegen testing

The test suite for changegen requires a PostGIS database containing some test data to be running alongside the python tests. To enable this we use a docker-compose file to both run/populate the database and run the tests.

Running Tests

Via CodeShip: these tests automatically run with every push. Check status here.


  1. docker-compose build (only need to run this once, unless you modify test/Dockerfile-test or test/Dockerfile-db)
  2. docker-compose up. This configures the db and runs the test suite.
  3. To re-run the tests, you must docker-compose down before running docker-compose up again.

Testing Data Preparation

There is a pg_dump (v.11) file containing the following tables in a region of Northeastern Washington state:

 Schema |       Name        | Type  |
 public | deleted_ways      | table |
 public | mod_ways          | table |
 public | modified_points   | table |
 public | new_points        | table |
 public | new_ways          | table |
 public | original_ways     | table |

These tables were generated manually using a database that was prepared by our proprietary conflation process and created via the following SQL:

create table if not exists new_points as
select * from poi_new where geom && st_transform(st_setsrid(st_makebox2d(st_point(-118.480776, 48.436422), st_point(-117.920099, 48.857548)), 4326), 3857);

create table if not exists modified_points as select * from poi_modified pm where  geom && st_transform(st_setsrid(st_makebox2d(st_point(-118.480776, 48.436422), st_point(-117.920099, 48.857548)), 4326), 3857);

create table if not exists new_ways as select * from both_new where geometry && st_transform(st_setsrid(st_makebox2d(st_point(-118.480776, 48.436422), st_point(-117.920099, 48.857548)), 4326), 3857);

create table if not exists mod_ways as select * from modified_roads_trails mrt where geometry && st_transform(st_setsrid(st_makebox2d(st_point(-118.480776, 48.436422), st_point(-117.920099, 48.857548)), 4326), 3857);

create table if not exists original_ways as select * from osm_roads_trails ort where geometry && st_transform(st_setsrid(st_makebox2d(st_point(-118.480776, 48.436422), st_point(-117.920099, 48.857548)), 4326), 3857);

create table if not exists deleted_ways as select * from deleted_wilderness_trail_ids dwti limit 10;

The lat/lon for the ST_MakeBox2D command was derived from the envelope of the newa2.geojson file.

These tables were exported using pg_dump v.11:

pg_dump -p XXX --user XXX --host XXX -d XXX -t new_points -t modified_points -t new_ways -t mod_ways -t original_ways -t deleted_ways -F custom -f dbdump.tar -n public

It's important to be sure that you use pg_dump v.11 or less to ensure compatbility with the PostGIS database in the docker container.