- Update version number in gradle.properties, CHANGELOG.md, and README.md and merge the PR
- Run publish task in bacon
- Selecting artifact
- Selecting artifact
git checkout master && git pull
git tag -s -a 1.0.0 -m "Release 1.0.0"
- Update the version number to the one you're trying to publishgit push --tags
- Update github release page with the latest release notes
If the bacon task above isn't available, you can publish locally via:
./gradlew publish --rerun-tasks -PsignWithGpgCommand
./gradlew closeAndReleaseRepository
gpg --gen-key
- Maven Central GPG Docs
- See Publishing Docs
- If using an in memory GPG Key:
- Export the secret key with something along the lines of
gpg --output ~/Desktop/OktaPrivate.pgp --armor --export-secret-key jay.newstrom@okta.com
- Then you can format it correctly using something along the lines of
cat ~/Desktop/OktaPrivate.pgp | grep -v '\-\-' | grep -v '^=.' | tr -d '\n'
- Export the secret key with something along the lines of