Releases: trace4cats/trace4cats-cloudtrace
Releases · trace4cats/trace4cats-cloudtrace
- Reorganise packages @janstenpickle (#164)
🧰 Maintenance
- Update http4s-circe to 0.23.14 @scala-steward (#187)
- Update trace4cats-exporter-http to 0.13.1+26-3c5516ed @scala-steward (#188)
- Update trace4cats-core, ... to 0.13.1+114-c5a4b269 @scala-steward (#186)
- Update scala-collection-compat to 2.8.1 @scala-steward (#189)
- Update log4cats-slf4j to 2.4.0 @scala-steward (#182)
- Update google-auth-library-credentials to 1.8.1 @scala-steward (#176)
- Update scala3-library to 3.1.3 @scala-steward (#173)
- Update scala-library to 2.12.16 @scala-steward (#172)
- Update scala-collection-compat to 2.8.0 @scala-steward (#180)
- Update java-jwt to 4.0.0 @scala-steward (#165)
- Update google-cloud-trace to 2.3.0 @scala-steward (#167)
- Update sbt-tpolecat to 0.4.1 @scala-steward (#183)
- Update sbt to 1.7.1 @scala-steward (#181)
- Update sbt-ci-release-early to 2.0.32 @scala-steward (#179)
- Update sbt-tpolecat to 0.4.0 @scala-steward (#177)
- Update log4cats-slf4j to 2.3.2 @scala-steward (#175)
- Update scalafmt-core to 3.5.8 @scala-steward (#174)
- Update sbt-ci-release-early to 2.0.31 @scala-steward (#170)
- Update sbt-tpolecat to 0.3.3 @scala-steward (#168)
- Update google-cloud-trace to 2.2.0 @scala-steward (#159)
- Update google-auth-library-credentials to 1.7.0 @scala-steward (#157)
- Update circe-generic, circe-parser to 0.14.2 @scala-steward (#158)
- Update http4s-blaze-client to 0.23.12 @scala-steward (#161)
- Update sbt-ci-release-early to 2.0.30 @scala-steward (#162)
- Update java-jwt to 3.19.2 @scala-steward (#154)
- Update log4cats-slf4j to 2.3.1 @scala-steward (#153)
- Update log4cats-slf4j to 2.3.0 @scala-steward (#152)
- Update scala3-library to 3.1.2 @scala-steward (#145)
- Update sbt-ci-release-early to 2.0.29 @scala-steward (#151)
- Update sbt-tpolecat to 0.3.1 @scala-steward (#150)
- Update sbt-tpolecat to 0.3.0 @scala-steward (#149)
- Update scalafmt-core to 3.5.2 @scala-steward (#148)
- Update google-cloud-trace to 2.1.11 @scala-steward (#147)
- Update sbt-tpolecat to 0.2.3 @scala-steward (#146)
- Update scalafmt-core to 3.5.1 @scala-steward (#142)
- Update scalafmt-core to 3.5.0 @scala-steward (#141)
🧰 Maintenance
- Update trace4cats-exporter-common, ... to 0.13.1 @scala-steward (#140)
- Update sbt-tpolecat to 0.2.2 @scala-steward (#139)
- Update sbt-tpolecat to 0.2.1 @trace4cats-steward (#138)
- Update java-jwt to 3.19.1 @scala-steward (#137)
- Update google-cloud-trace to 2.1.10 @scala-steward (#136)
- Update sbt-tpolecat to 0.2.0 @scala-steward (#135)
- Update google-cloud-trace to 2.1.9 @scala-steward (#134)
- Update scala-collection-compat to 2.7.0 @scala-steward (#133)
🚀 Features
🧰 Maintenance
- Update trace4cats-exporter-common, ... to 0.13.0 @trace4cats-steward (#130)
- Bump release-drafter/release-drafter from 5.18.0 to 5.19.0 @dependabot (#122)
- Update java-jwt to 3.19.0 @scala-steward (#126)
- Update google-auth-library-credentials to 1.6.0 @scala-steward (#128)
- Update http4s-blaze-client, http4s-circe to 0.23.11 @scala-steward (#129)
- Update google-cloud-trace to 2.1.8 @scala-steward (#127)
- Update google-cloud-trace to 2.1.7 @scala-steward (#125)
- Update google-cloud-trace to 2.1.6 @scala-steward (#124)
- Update google-cloud-trace to 2.1.5 @scala-steward (#123)
- Update google-cloud-trace to 2.1.4 @scala-steward (#121)
- Update sbt-tpolecat to 0.1.22 @scala-steward (#119)
- Update sbt-tpolecat to 0.1.21 @scala-steward (#118)
- Update scalafmt-core to 3.4.3 @scala-steward (#117)
- Update google-cloud-trace to 2.1.3 @scala-steward (#116)
- Update sbt-ci-release-early to 2.0.28 @scala-steward (#115)
- Update scalafmt-core to 3.4.2 @scala-steward (#113)
- Update scalafmt-core to 3.4.1 @scala-steward (#112)
- Update http4s-blaze-client, http4s-circe to 0.23.10 @scala-steward (#108)
- Bump release-drafter/release-drafter from 5.17.6 to 5.18.0 @dependabot (#109)
- Update scala3-library to 3.1.1 @scala-steward (#106)
- Update google-cloud-trace to 2.1.2 @scala-steward (#110)
- Update sbt to 1.6.2 @scala-steward (#107)
- Update sbt-ci-release-early to 2.0.27 @scala-steward (#105)
- Bump release-drafter/release-drafter from 5.17.5 to 5.17.6 @dependabot (#98)
- Update google-auth-library-credentials to 1.4.0 @scala-steward (#100)
- Update scalafmt-core to 3.4.0 @scala-steward (#103)
- Update http4s-blaze-client, http4s-circe to 0.23.9 @scala-steward (#104)
- Update scalafmt-core to 3.3.3 @scala-steward (#101)
- Update scalafmt-core to 3.3.2 @scala-steward (#99)
- Update sbt-ci-release-early to 2.0.26 @scala-steward (#97)
- Update log4cats-slf4j to 2.2.0 @scala-steward (#95)
- Update sbt-ci-release-early to 2.0.22 @scala-steward (#94)
- Update scala-library to 2.13.8 @scala-steward (#90)
- Bump release-drafter/release-drafter from 5.15.0 to 5.17.5 @dependabot (#93)
- Update java-jwt to 3.18.3 @scala-steward (#91)
- Update google-cloud-trace to 2.1.1 @scala-steward (#89)
- Update scalafmt-core to 3.3.1 @scala-steward (#88)
- Update sbt to 1.6.1 @scala-steward (#87)
- Update sbt to 1.6.0 @scala-steward (#86)
- Update scalafmt-core to 3.3.0 @scala-steward (#85)
- Update sbt-scalafmt to 2.4.6 @scala-steward (#84)
- Update scalafmt-core to 3.2.2 @scala-steward (#83)
- Update sbt to 1.5.8 @scala-steward (#82)
- Update http4s-blaze-client, http4s-circe to 0.23.7 @scala-steward (#79)
- Update sbt to 1.5.7 @scala-steward (#81)
- Update sbt to 1.5.6 @scala-steward (#80)
- Update google-cloud-trace to 2.1.0 @scala-steward (#78)
- Update sbt-scalafmt to 2.4.5 @scala-steward (#77)
- Update sbt-github-actions to 0.14.2 @scala-steward (#75)
- Update scalafmt-core to 3.2.1 @scala-steward (#76)
- Update scalafmt-core to 3.2.0 @scala-steward (#73)
- Update scalafmt-core to 3.1.2 @scala-steward (#71)
- Update scala3-library to 3.1.0 @scala-steward (#59)
- Update scala-library to 2.13.7 @scala-steward (#64)
- Update google-auth-library-credentials to 1.3.0 @scala-steward (#67)
- Update scalafmt-core to 3.1.1 @scala-steward (#68)
- Update scala-collection-compat to 2.6.0 @scala-steward (#65)
- Update sbt-scalafmt to 2.4.4 @scala-steward (#70)
- Update sbt-ci-release-early to 2.0.19 @scala-steward (#69)
- Update scalafmt-core to 3.0.8 @scala-steward (#63)
- Update google-auth-library-credentials to 1.2.2 @scala-steward (#62)
- Update scalafmt-core to 3.0.7 @scala-steward (#61)
- Update google-cloud-trace to 2.0.6 @scala-steward (#60)
- Update http4s-blaze-client, http4s-circe to 0.23.6 @scala-steward (#58)
- Update google-auth-library-credentials to 1.2.1 @scala-steward (#57)
- Update sbt-ci-release-early to 2.0.18 @scala-steward (#56)
- Update google-auth-library-credentials to 1.2.0 @scala-steward (#53)
- Update scalafmt-core to 3.0.6 @scala-steward (#54)
- Update scalafmt-core to 3.0.5 @scala-steward (#52)
- Update google-cloud-trace to 2.0.5 @scala-steward (#51)
- Update http4s-blaze-client, http4s-circe to 0.23.4 @scala-steward (#50)
- Update scalafmt-core to 3.0.4 @scala-steward (#49)
- Update java-jwt to 3.18.2 @scala-steward (#48)
- Update scala-library to 2.12.15 @scala-steward (#47)
- Update google-cloud-trace to 2.0.4 @scala-steward (#46)
- Bump crazy-max/ghaction-import-gpg from 3 to 4 @dependabot (#44)
- Update scalafmt-core to 3.0.3 @scala-steward (#45)
- Update scala3-library to 3.0.2 @scala-steward (#39)
- Update kind-projector to 0.13.2 @scala-steward (#43)
- Update scalafmt-core to 3.0.2 @scala-steward (#42)
- Update http4s-blaze-client, http4s-circe to 0.23.3 @scala-steward (#41)
- Update http4s-blaze-client, http4s-circe to 0.23.2 @scala-steward (#40)
- Update google-cloud-trace to 2.0.3 @scala-steward (#38)
- Update scalafmt-core to 3.0.1 @scala-steward (#37)
- Update kind-projector to 0.13.1 @scala-steward (#36)
- Update google-cloud-trace to 2.0.2 @scala-steward (#35)
- Update scalafmt-core to 3.0.0 @scala-steward (#34)
- Update google-auth-library-credentials to 1.1.0 @scala-steward (#33)
- Update google-cloud-trace to 2.0.1 @scala-steward (#31)
- Update sbt-github-actions to 0.13.0 @scala-steward (#32)
- Update http4s-blaze-client, http4s-circe to 0.23.1 @scala-steward (#29)
This is the first stable release fully compatible with Cats Effect 3. The major change since RC2 is Scala 3 support.
🚀 Features
- Add Scala 3 @ybasket (#23)
- Delay
properly @catostrophe (#25)
🧰 Maintenance
- Update google-auth-library-credentials to 1.0.0 @scala-steward (#24)
- Update google-auth-library-credentials to 0.27.0 @scala-steward (#22)
- Update sbt to 1.5.5 @scala-steward (#21)
- Update scala-collection-compat to 2.5.0 @scala-steward (#20)
- Update sbt-scalafmt to 2.4.3 @scala-steward (#19)
- Update sbt-ci-release-early to 2.0.17 @scala-steward (#18)
- Update google-cloud-trace to 1.4.2 @scala-steward (#17)
- Update java-jwt to 3.18.1 @scala-steward (#16)
This is the second RC compatible with Cats Effect 3. The main change is migrating the project to a new organization and splitting it into multiple repositories so that further releases can be cut independently.
🧰 Maintenance
- Update java-jwt to 3.18.1 @scala-steward (#16)
- Update trace4cats-exporter-common, ... to 0.12.0-RC2 @trace4cats-steward (#13)
- Update trace4cats-exporter-common, ... to 0.12.0-RC1+191-347e4fc7 @scala-steward (#8)
- Update java-jwt to 3.18.0 @scala-steward (#11)
- Update trace4cats-exporter-http to 0.12.0-RC1+162-70070fb2 @scala-steward (#10)
- Update java-jwt to 3.17.0 @scala-steward (#6)
- Update sbt to 1.5.4 @scala-steward (#4)
- Update google-cloud-trace to 1.4.1 @scala-steward (#2)