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Torus CustomAuth SDK for Android applications.


Typically your application should depend on release versions of customauth-android-sdk, but you may also use snapshot dependencies for early access to features and fixes, refer to the Snapshot Dependencies section. This project uses jitpack for release management

Add the relevant dependency to your project:

repositories {
        maven { url "" }
   dependencies {
         implementation 'org.torusresearch:customauth-android-sdk:5.0.2'

🩹 Examples

Checkout the example of CustomAuth Android SDK in our examples directory.


To allow your web app to retrieve keys:

  1. Install the package

  2. At verifier's interface (where you obtain client id), please use browserRedirectUri in DirectSdkArgs as the redirect uri. e.g: browserRedirectUri can be YOUR_APP_DEEP_LINK if the OAuth provider supports it. else, follow the next step If you specify a custom browserRedirectUri or OAuth provider doesn't support deep link url, pls host redirect.html at that browserRedirectUri after editing whiteListedURLs in redirect.html with the scheme specified in manifestPlaceHolders and pass in as redirectUri.

  3. Register the startup activity in the manifest file using manifest placeholder in build.gradle file (when a custom scheme is used)

android.defaultConfig.manifestPlaceholders = [
        'torusRedirectScheme': 'YOUR_APP_SCHEME', // (torusapp)
        'torusRedirectHost': 'YOUR_APP_HOST', // (org.torusresearch.customauthandroid)
        'torusRedirectPathPrefix': 'YOUR_REDIRECT_PATH' // (/redirect)


<activity android:name="org.torusresearch.customauth.activity.StartUpActivity"
        <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW"/>
        <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT"/>
        <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE"/>
        <data android:scheme="YOUR_APP_SCHEME"
  1. Instantiate the package with your own specific client-id and browserRedirectUri as YOUR_APP_SCHEME://YOUR_APP_HOST/YOUR_REDIRECT_PATH ( eg:torusapp://org.torusresearch.customauthandroid/redirect)

  2. Trigger the login

  3. Reach out to to get your verifier spun up on the testnet today!


No Proguard configuration is required. SDK will automatically append necessary rules to the project's proguard-rules.txt file.


  • All API's return CompletableFutures
  • Example included

Generating ED25519 key

  • By default sdk will return secpk256k1 key, you can retrieve ed25519 keys passing the secpk256k1 key as seed in tweetnacl sdk keypair_fromSeed function.

  • Refer to code snippet given below or app folder in this repo for an example function to generate an account using solana sdk which uses ed25519 keys.

    // privateKey is the key which you will get after user's login from customauth-android-sdk
    public TweetNaclFast.Signature.KeyPair getEd25199Key(String privateKey) {
        byte[] decodedBytes =  TweetNaclFast.hexDecode(privateKey);
        TweetNaclFast.Signature.KeyPair ed25519KeyPair = TweetNaclFast.Signature.keyPair_fromSeed(decodedBytes);
        return  ed25519KeyPair;

    public void  createSolanaAccount(View view) {
        TextView textView = findViewById(;

        if (this.privKey.isEmpty()) {
            textView.setText("Please login first to generate solana ed25519 key pair");
        TweetNaclFast.Signature.KeyPair ed25519KeyPair = this.getEd25199Key(this.privKey);
        Account SolanaAccount = new Account(ed25519KeyPair.getSecretKey());
        String pubKey = SolanaAccount.getPublicKey().toBase58();
        String secretKey = Base58.encode(SolanaAccount.getSecretKey());
        String accountInfo = String.format("Solana account secret key is %s and public Key %s",secretKey, pubKey);


The following links help you create OAuth accounts with different login providers

For other verifiers,

  • you'll need to create an Auth0 account
  • create an application for the login type you want
  • Pass in the clientId, domain of the Auth0 application into the torus login request

Best practices

  • Please run the entire sdk calls in a new threadpool. Refer to example for basic configuration.


  1. Question: Discord Login only works once in 30 min

    Answer: Torus Login requires a new token for every login attempt. Discord returns the same access token for 30 min unless it's revoked. Unfortunately, it needs to be revoked from the backend since it needs a client secret. Here's some sample code which does it

    const axios = require('axios').default
    const FormData = require('form-data')
    const {token} = req.body
    const formData = new FormData()
    formData.append('token', token)
        headers: {
          Authorization: `Basic ${Buffer.from(
  2. Question: How to initialise web3 with private key (returned after login) ?

    Answer: Use web3j


  • Android - API level 24
  • Java 8

💬 Troubleshooting and Discussions

  • Have a look at our GitHub Discussions to see if anyone has any questions or issues you might be having.
  • Checkout our Troubleshooting Documentation Page to know the common issues and solutions
  • Join our Discord to join our community and get private integration support or help with your integration.