This is the application skeleton for a multi module application with integrated API support and a shared module handler.
Idea behind the shared module is to have a one place which is not primarily used as the application module but as a content module. Therefore you can find the app module common which contains stuff like models, forms, library, main (global) config, cache and logs. More things can be easily added here.
In this case, both fronted and backend modules have access to the shared data. These two modules are initialized via Module.php which can be found in each module dir. That's the main place where we merge things from common module, like config, autoload paths and different services used by application globally or specific per each module.
API part of application can be easily separated and used as a standalone application. Main performance thing in this setup is that the application and API application have independent initialization files so, for example - API does not need to init all services and be dispatches through application setup. See public files - api.php vs index.php...
As the main focus wasn't on API, the idea is taken from some other code example I found and which seems me as an interesting solution on a Phalcon Micro structure.
- PHP 7.0 (PHP7.0-FPM)
- MySQL 8.0 (MariaDB)
- Nginx
- Elasticsearch 6.0
- Debian Jessie 64
- Redis
- Memcached
- Supervisor
The master branch will always contain the latest stable version. If you wish to check older versions or newer ones currently under development, please switch to the relevant branch.
Feel free to contact me or send me a feedback or a suggestion. ;)
fork project from github
clone your project from github
install vagrant -
run vagrant up
setup your local hosts file like:
- psmas.local
- psmas_api.local
vagrant ssh
sudo -s
to become a root if needed -
cd /vagrant
- go to main dir for app -
execute migrations with:
phalcon migration run --config=app/common/config/cli_config.php
mysql -uroot -ppassword psmas < /vagrant/schemas/default.sql
run the APP on http://psmas.local
run the API on http://psmas_api.local
- user list example: http://psmas_api.local/user/list
should be able to login with