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Thomas LANDSPURG edited this page Jun 2, 2014 · 1 revision

What is OpenSensorCloud about?

The purpose of the platform is to to allows you to easily extract information from your connected devices.


  • Device:

Something connected to the net, that could either send information to the server, or be actionned, or both

  • Sensor:

Something that generate information from a device. Could be for instance a termometer, a GPS position... Sensor informations are saved on the server and could be later reused

  • Dashboard:

Dashboard display summary of data comming from your devices in various forms. Could be graph, jauge, raw data..wathever

  • Trigger:

When some condtions are reached, an action could be taken. For instance, if the value or thermometer is bigger than 25 degrée, a mail can be send to you, or a tweet....

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