Build a web image gallery from a Gnome Shotwell image database. See it in action on
🖼 What this python script does:
- Query shotwell sqlite database for a given tag
- Get tagged images, resizes, set image metadata
- Generate a html image gallery for these images
- The generated 'static bundle'/'public directory' is self-contained, photoswipe-enabled and could be served via filesystem or via webserver
- Python3
- Phil Harvey’s
(will be used bypyexiftool
) - Shotwell instance with tagged photos
This python script expects an ini
file named shotwell2web.ini
in the project root directory:
# tag: Supports only one tag to query for
tag = MyPhotoTag
shotwell_db_path = /path/to/.local/share/shotwell/data/photo.db
# For testing, limit the number of photos which will be processed.
# Leave empty to process all photos.
process_n_photos = 3
# These strings end up in image metadata and in html
title = Photography
photographer_name = John Doe
photographer_email =
photographer_www =
legal_link = ["Legal", ""]
privacy_policy_link = ["Privacy Policy", ""]
# The - maximum - image dimensions for thumbnails (`_sm`) and, hm, not-thumbnails (`_lg`)
img_size_lg = 1280, 960
img_size_sm = 178, 100
# initial setup
cd <project-dir>/
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
# build web gallery
python3 -m shotwell2web
# serve web gallery
python3 -m http.server -d public/
GNU General Public License v3.0
Yes they are in the sqlite db file. Here's a perl routine I use to extract the tags from the sqlite so I can save them elsewhere; it uses the PhotoTable, VideoTable, and TagTable from the sqlite db. The association of a tag to a photo or video is done with the "hexid" in the below code, which starts with the string "thumb" for photos and the string "video-" for videos.
# via Perl
sub get_photos {
my ( $dbh, $verbose ) = @_;
# exposure_time maps to date/time original field (time of picture's exposure)
my $select_phototable_sql =
q{SELECT `id`,`filename`,`rating`,`title`,`exposure_time` }
. q{FROM `PhotoTable`};
my $phototable = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($select_phototable_sql);
print "Found ", scalar(@$phototable), " photos in shotwell
PhotoTable\n" if $verbose;
$select_phototable_sql =~ s/PhotoTable/VideoTable/;
my $videotable = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($select_phototable_sql);
print "Found ", scalar(@$videotable), " videos in shotwell
VideoTable\n" if $verbose;
my %photos_byhexid = (
map( (
sprintf( 'thumb%016x', $_->[0] ),
[ $_->[1], $_->[2], $_->[3], [], $_->[4] ]
@$phototable ),
map( (
sprintf( 'video-%016x', $_->[0] ),
[ $_->[1], $_->[2], $_->[3], [], $_->[4] ]
@$videotable )
my $select_tagtable_sql =
q{SELECT `name`,`photo_id_list` } . q{FROM `TagTable`};
my $tagtable = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($select_tagtable_sql);
print "Found ", scalar(@$tagtable), " tags in shotwell TagTable,
distributing to PhotoTable\n" if $verbose;
foreach my $row (@$tagtable) {
my $name = $row->[0];
$name =~
s/^\///; # trim leading / (not sure why it is present in database)
next unless defined( $row->[1] ); # sometimes a tag is not
associated with any images
foreach my $hexid->( split( /,/, $row->[1] ) ){
"Error: id $hexid found in TagTable was not found in PhotoTable"
) unless exists( $photos_byhexid{$hexid} );
push( @{ $photos_byhexid{$hexid}[3] }, $name );
return ( [ sort( { $a->[0] cmp $b->[0] } values(%photos_byhexid) ) ] );
# returned ref is an array of 5-element arrays:
# [0]: filename
# [1]: rating
# [2]: title (caption)
# [3]: tag array
# [4]: date/time
The photo_id_list column holds the comma-separated list. Each item in the list is of the form:
- “thumb” or “video-” depending on whether the item is a photo or a video
- 16 hex digits, zero padded, which is the ID value from the PhotosTable or VideosTable for that item
- a comma Full example of extracting tags for the video file 2019/12/31/20191231_121604.mp4:
# via sql
$ sqlite3 /home/andy/.local/share/shotwell/DATA/photo.db
SQLite version 3.22.0 2018-01-22 18:45:57
Enter ".help" FOR usage hints.
sqlite> SELECT id
FROM VideoTable
WHERE filename LIKE '%20191231%';
sqlite> SELECT printf("%016x", 553);
sqlite> SELECT name
FROM TagTable
WHERE photo_id_list LIKE '%video-0000000000000229,%';
/Places/London/Feltham/Bedfont Lakes
If that is not completely clear:
- The ID for that video file is 553
- 553 in hexadecial is 229
- Pad that to 16 digits, add “video-” at the front and “.” at the end (even the last item in the list has a comma at the end)
- Search for that string in photo_id_list
- If a row matches then the name column is a tag that is attached to that file