“A charity shop is upgrading its till operation systems. It requires a new system to manage its goods in, sales, sales reports, and stock management. Our start-up has been awarded the tender, with a start date for the development of 28/05/2018. The system and software must be ready for the launch of the pilot scheme on 22nd June.
- The new system must function as a till in the shop and allow operators to process sales and find prices within the stock.
- It must also be able to allow donations to be entered the stock in a simple and user-friendly manner and print correct labels.
- Users with administration-level access are to be able to produce sales and stock reports of various types e.g. sales by volume, price, and profit.
There is no EPOS in store at this moment but as funds are limited the business requires a model that is affordable, versatile and user-friendly. "
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