This document contains the list of all Presets available in the config.yaml
file. Use them to define Prow Jobs for your components.
Name | Description |
preset-dind-enabled | It allows Docker to run in your job. You still need to launch Docker in your job. |
preset-kind-volume-mounts | It allows KinD (Kubernets in Docker) to run in your job. |
preset-docker-push-repository | It provides the environment variable with the location of the Docker repository. |
preset-build-pr | It provides the environment variable with the location of the directory in the Docker repository for storing images. It also sets the BUILD_TYPE variable to pr . |
preset-build-main | It is similar to the preset-build-pr Preset, but the BUILD_TYPE variable is set to main . |
preset-build-release | It is similar to the preset-build-pr Preset, but the BUILD_TYPE variable is set to release . |
preset-gc-project-env | It provides the environment variable with the Google Cloud project name. |
preset-kms-gc-project-env | It provides the environment variable with the Google Cloud project name that contains KMS keys. |
preset-gc-compute-envs | It provides environment variables with the Google Cloud compute zone and the Google Cloud compute region. |
preset-sa-vm-kyma-integration | It injects credentials for the service account to run integration tests on virtual machines (VMs). |
preset-sa-gke-kyma-integration | It injects credentials for the service account to run integration tests on a Google Cloud Engine (GKE) cluster. |
preset-creds-aks-kyma-integration | It injects credentials to run integration tests on an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster. |
preset-bot-npm-token | It provides an environment variable with a token for publishing npm packages. |
preset-sa-kyma-artifacts | It sets up the service account that has write rights to Kyma's artifacts bucket. This is also required if you need to push a new docker image. |
preset-docker-push-repository-gke-integration | It provides the environment variable with the location of the directory in the GCR repository for storing temporary Docker images for the Kyma Installer. |
preset-docker-push-repository-test-infra | It defines the environment variable with the location of the directory in the GCR repository for storing Docker images from the test-infra repository. |
preset-docker-push-repository-control-plane | It defines the environment variable with the location of the directory in the GCR repository for storing Docker images from the control-plane repository. |
preset-docker-push-repository-incubator | It defines the environment variable with the location of the directory in the GCR repository for storing Docker images from all repositories under the kyma-incubator organization. |
preset-build-console-main | It defines the environment variable with the location of the directory in the Docker repository for storing Docker images from the console repository. It also sets the BUILD_TYPE variable to main . |
preset-build-artifacts-main | It sets the BUILD_TYPE variable to main without setting Docker image push directory. |
preset-bot-github-token | It sets the environment variable with the GitHub token for the kyma-bot account. |
preset-bot-github-identity | It sets the environment variables for the name and email of the kyma-bot account. |
preset-kyma-guard-bot-github-token | It sets the environment variable with the GitHub token for the kyma-guard-bot account. |
preset-kyma-guard-bot-github-identity | It sets the environment variables for the name and email of the kyma-guard-bot account. |
preset-kyma-artifacts-bucket | It defines the environment variable for Kyma's artifact bucket. |
preset-sap-slack-bot-token | It sets the environment variable for the Slack token of the bot account in the SAP CX workspace. Find more information here. |
preset-kyma-backup-credentials | It sets the environment variable for the JSON file with the credentials for the service account. The file contains write and read permissions for the Google Cloud bucket used for backups. |
preset-kyma-backup-restore-bucket | It defines the environment variable for Kyma's backups bucket. |
preset-kyma-ondemands | It defines the environment variable for Kyma's on-demand artifacts bucket. |
preset-certificates-bucket | It provides the environment variable with the name of the bucket for Prow Jobs Secrets in the kyma-prow-workload project. |