aka "Flu Shot Finder"
This application was originally developed for the Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) to help Chicago residents identify a convenient no cost CDPH flu shot event.
In mid-2012, I went to a weekly meeting of civic coders where several city agencies presented. They asked for our help in building interesting applications around their available data. I was interested in the free flu shot clinic locations since flu season was coming up fast, and I had attended a free flu shot event in the past.
I built a prototype application and advertised it via Twitter. The Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH), the Mayor's Office, and a few other civic coders, mainly Juan-Pablo Velez, noticed the tweet. Before I knew it, Juan-Pablo brokered a meeting between CDPH, the Mayor's Office, and ourselves. The meeting was positive and I began in ernest to polish up the application.
Vaccination events data are maintained and published as a Google Sheet. This code uses the Google Sheets API to retrieve event data. This application uses Google Sheets because it is easy to instantly update. Using a Google Sheet also makes this code more usable by agencies that have little to no technology resources.
This web application could not have been originally built or executed without the sage feedback and assistance of Juan-Pablo Velez and Derek Eder. Thanks also to Smart Chicago for hosting this web application. Raed Mansour (of CDPH) has been my advocate and full partner on the inside. Without his advocacy, this fairly unique relationship and this application would not work.
This a HTML/CSS/JavaScript web application.
If you want to reuse this code for your city/county/province/state, a good place to start is in htdocs/js/config.json and htdocs/css/index.css and altering the properties. Anyone altering these files will need to be a little familiar with JSON (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40aKlrL-2V8) and CSS (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6d_4sd_l7rQ)
If you want to change the javascript code I wrote, you'll find that in /src/js/index.js. I use Grunt (https://gruntjs.com/) to minify and concatenate this file along with /src/js/ical.js (https://github.com/nwcell/ics.js) and /src/js/moment.js (https://momentjs.com/) I try to use meaningful variable names, so hopefully the code won't be too hard to follow.
I have been exceptionally terrible at organizing the code repository for Chicago Flu Shots and it has not gotten proper love over the last few years. I plan on changing my ways.
Branches will have a naming convention of 'vYYYY-YY'. For example: 'v2018-19' for the 2018-2019 season's round of updates. Each's year's branch updates will be merged back into the 'master' branch when development is complete. This will generally occur in the late Summer or early Autumn. Smaller bug fix branches may be created at anytime and merged back into 'master' when the bug is squashed.
This code should be fairly easy to take and use by other government agencies offering flu shot clinic events. If you would like any advice on implementing this code, drop me a line.
Tom Kompare e: tom@kompare.us t: @tomkompare