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Guillaume Petiot committed Nov 9, 2024
1 parent f98d99f commit c1aac7e
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Showing 2 changed files with 91 additions and 0 deletions.
86 changes: 86 additions & 0 deletions examples/core/
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@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
let screen_width = 800
let screen_height = 450

module Cube = struct
type t = { position : Raylib.Vector3.t; screen_position : Raylib.Vector2.t }

let init () =
let open Raylib in
let position = Vector3.create 0. 0. 0. in
let screen_position = Vector2.create 0. 0. in
{ position; screen_position }

module State = struct
type t = { camera : Raylib.Camera.t; cube : Cube.t }

let init () =
let open Raylib in
let camera =
let position = Vector3.create 10. 10. 10. in
let target = Vector3.create 0. 0. 0. in
let up = Vector3.create 0. 1. 0. in
let fovy = 45. in
let projection = CameraProjection.Perspective in
Camera.create position target up fovy projection
let cube = Cube.init () in
{ camera; cube }

let draw { camera; cube } =
let open Raylib in
begin_drawing ();

clear_background Color.raywhite;

begin_mode_3d camera;
draw_cube cube.position 2.0 2.0 2.0;
draw_cube_wires cube.position 2.0 2.0 2.0 Color.maroon;
draw_grid 10 1.0;
end_mode_3d ();

draw_text "Enemy: 100 / 100"
((Int.of_float @@ Vector2.x cube.screen_position)
- (measure_text "Enemy: 100/100" 20 / 2))
(Int.of_float @@ Vector2.y cube.screen_position)
(Format.sprintf "Cube position in screen space coordinates: [%i, %i]"
(Int.of_float @@ Vector2.x cube.screen_position)
(Int.of_float @@ Vector2.y cube.screen_position))
10 10 20 Color.lime;
draw_text "Text 2d should be always on top of the cube" 10 40 20 Color.gray;

end_drawing ()

let setup () =
let open Raylib in
init_window screen_width screen_height
"raylib [core] example - core world screen";
(* Limit cursor to relative movement inside the window *)
disable_cursor ();
set_target_fps 60;
State.init ()

let rec loop state =
let open Raylib in
match window_should_close () with
| true -> close_window ()
| false ->
let {; cube } = state in
update_camera (addr camera) CameraMode.Third_person;
(* Calculate cube screen space position (with a little offset to be in top) *)
let cube =
let screen_position =
let position = cube.position in
let x, y, z = Vector3.(x position, y position, z position) in
get_world_to_screen (Vector3.create x (y +. 2.5) z) camera
{ cube with screen_position }
let state = { state with cube } in
State.draw state;
loop state

let () = setup () |> loop
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions examples/core/dune
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -92,3 +92,8 @@
(name core_window_letterbox)
(modules Core_window_letterbox)
(libraries raylib))

(name core_world_screen)
(modules Core_world_screen)
(libraries raylib))

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