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elfshaker — Usage guide

Table of contents

Important: Make sure you understand the following.

  • Remember there is no warranty, per the license on this software!
  • Do your own validation before using it in any situation where data loss would be a problem.
  • We recommend working in an isolated directory which does not contain important files (you may want to copy files in).
  • elfshaker excels at storing lots of very similar files.

Core concepts

Important: Understanding of the following concepts is critical to working with the tool.

  • Snapshot
    • Store a directory state (a set of files)
    • Created by elfshaker store
    • Can be packed into a pack file by elfshaker pack (otherwise called a loose snapshot)
  • Repository
    • The parent directory of the directory elfshaker_data
    • The directory from which snapshots are created and into which they are extracted
  • Packs
    • Store a set of snapshots
    • Represented by [packname].pack + [packname].pack.idx
    • Must reside under ./elfshaker_data/packs/
    • Created by elfshaker pack
  • elfshaker_data
    • Contains loose snapshots and pack files
    • Put the .pack + .pack.idx files under ./elfshaker_data/packs
    • Created automatically by elfshaker store on its first run
    • Can be created manually (if you plan to use existing packs; for example from manyclangs)


A basic workflow in elfshaker is to:

  1. Add some files
  2. Store them in a snapshot
  3. Make some changes to the files
  4. Store them again
  5. Repeat 2) and 3) a number of times
  6. Then, when you have lots of snapshots, they can be stored efficiently in pack, but will still be quickly accessible

Create snapshot

elfshaker store <snapshot> [--files-from <file>] [--files0-from <file>]


elfshaker store my-snapshot


Creates the snapshot my-snapshot containing all files in the elfshaker repository.

For full command usage, use the --help option.

elfshaker store --help


  1. Compute the checksums for all input file names.
  2. Compare these checksums against the set of all loose objects (objects stored as part of a loose snapshot; not in a pack).
  3. Store any new files as objects in the loose object store.
  4. Create a loose pack index <snapshot>.pack.idx representing the snapshot in ./elfshaker_data/packs/loose.
  5. Sets the current snapshot reference elfshaker_data/HEAD to the string loose/<snapshot>:<snapshot>.

Extract snapshot

elfshaker extract [<pack>:]<snapshot> [--reset] [--verify]


elfshaker extract my-pack:my-snapshot --verify


Extracts the snapshot my-snapshot from the pack my-pack (interpreted as elfshaker_data/packs/my-pack.pack) into the repository directory and verifies the files checksums during the extraction process.

For full command usage, use the --help option.

elfshaker extract --help


  1. Look-up the set of packs in elfshaker_data/packs to see which packs contain the specified snapshot (skipped if specified as my-pack:my-snapshot).
  2. Read the corresponding pack index and find the set of files in the snapshot.
  3. Extract the files to the repository directory. a. If --reset is NOT specified, do perform an incremental update of the repository directory by comparing the set of files against the last extracted snapshot (elfshaker_data/HEAD). b. If --reset is specified, ignore elfshaker_data/HEAD and extract everything, overwriting if file names clash.

Pack loose snapshots

elfshaker pack <pack> [--frames N]


elfshaker pack my-pack --frames 8


Creates the pack my-pack (file is elfshaker_data/packs/my-pack.idx) by packing all loose snapshots.


  1. Enumerate all loose object files (belonging to loose snapshot) in elfshaker_data/loose.

  2. Preprocess, sort and compress the objects, producing a .pack file with 8 frames.

    🛈 Our experiments indicate that 1 frame per 512 MiB is optimal for packing builds of LLVM and that is what omitting --frames does.

  3. Combine all snapshots into a <pack>.pack.idx.

List packs, snapshots, files

(1) elfshaker list
(2) elfshaker list <pack>
(3) elfshaker list [<pack>:]<snapshot>


(1) - Lists the names of all available packs AND loose snapshots (identified by prefix loose/).

(2) - Lists all snapshots available in <pack>.

(3) - Lists all files stored in <snapshot>.

Write files to stdout

elfshaker show [<pack>:]<snapshot> <path>...


elfshaker show my-pack:my-snapshot my-file some-dir/my-file-2


Writes the contents of the files specified by the given paths in the snapshot to stdout.