Grab the latest
from Releases. -
Extract to any location you would like and add the directory to your path:
mkdir -p ~/.local/opt && mkdir -p ~/.local/bin && tar -xf "elfshaker_v0.9.0_$(uname -m)-unknown-linux-musl.tar.gz" -C ~/.local/opt && ln -s ~/.local/opt/elfshaker/elfshaker ~/.local/bin/elfshaker
Formatted version of the above one-liner
mkdir -p ~/.local/opt
mkdir -p ~/.local/bin
tar -xf "elfshaker_v0.9.0_$(uname -m)-unknown-linux-musl.tar.gz" -C ~/.local/opt
ln -s ~/.local/opt/elfshaker/elfshaker ~/.local/bin/elfshaker
Please, make sure to add ~/.local/bin
to your PATH environment variable.
elfshaker is written in Rust, so you will need to install the Rust build system.
- Install using rustup from https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install
- Install toolchain version 1.55
rustup install 1.55
- Build elfshaker in Release mode
cargo +1.55 build --release --bin elfshaker
./target/release/elfshaker --help