➡️ Frontend: timokluser-dev/django-workshop-frontend
- Django v4 Backend
- Django Debug Toolbar
- Wagtail CMS
- GraphQL API
make init
(will set hosts & create .env)docker-compose run django bash
pip freeze
(show dependencies)pip install django
pip freeze
(show dependencies)pip freeze > requirements.txt
django-admin startproject app .
- .docker/Dockerfile (remove comment on line 38)
docker-compose up --build
: arrow_right: engineering-playbook/python/django_debug/debug.md
file: db/models.py
- build models
- add
method - (add Meta class)
# after model created / changed:
./manage.py makemigrations
# apply the newly created migration [for app db]
./manage.py migrate [db]
→ Make small migrations for better maintainability
file: db/admin.py
- register model for django admin
when doing changed to the models, pay attention to the following:
- set default or null values for existing entries:
models.TextField(null=True, ...)
- or
models.TextField(default="some defaults", ...)
- when renaming attributes, do one migration only for renaming
ℹ️ wagtail is currently not compatible with Django 4. It will perform a downgrade of Django to version 3 during install.
Login: http://django.what-ever.lo/cms/
pip install wagtail
pip install wagtailmedia
pip freeze > requirements.txt
➡️ https://docs.wagtail.io/en/stable/getting_started/integrating_into_django.html
→ add 'wagtailmedia'
in settings.py
pip install django-debug-toolbar
pip install django-graphiql-debug-toolbar
➡️ https://django-debug-toolbar.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installation.html ➡️ https://pypi.org/project/django-graphiql-debug-toolbar/
when using docker:
file: app/settings.py
# ...
hostname, _, ips = socket.gethostbyname_ex(socket.gethostname())
INTERNAL_IPS = [ip[:-1] + '1' for ip in ips] + ['', '']
def show_debug_toolbar(request):
return DEBUG
'SHOW_TOOLBAR_CALLBACK': show_debug_toolbar,
Library for GraphQL
pip install graphene-django
➡️ https://docs.graphene-python.org/projects/django/en/latest/installation/
Notes regarding GraphQL:
- API Requests are always POST
- API status code is always 200 (no 404)
- check for
response.data && !response.errors
- check for
➡️ https://django-graphql-jwt.domake.io/index.html
Default Permissions: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/4.0/topics/auth/default/#default-permissions
Add the following to your /etc/hosts
file. django.what-ever.lo
make init
make up
make down
make bash
You can access the Admin Gui through http://django.what-ever.lo/admin/.
Username: admin
Password: admin