This Backend-Api is used by the browser-game
- This project contains the API with REST-Endpoints to manage the game.
- The API manages the user accounts, the discord authorization, the shop, purchases, server stats and more.
- All user accounts, purchases and histories are saved in a database.
- LIVE-Database:, DB: blobwar
You'll need user credentials to connect to the database.
Logs of the API are coming soon.
The basic-URL to all endpoints is the following:
URL (Localhost): http://localhost:8080/api/v1 URL (Production):
Most of the endpoints are secured with an API-Token
Authorization: Bearer {ApiToken}
(This is still not fully implemented, but I'll look into it as soon as all the importants endpoints are done).
- 200: Success. The body contains the requested data.
- 201: Successfully created.
- 204: Success. The body is empty.
- 400: The request contained invalid parameters.
- 401: The user is not authorized to control this api.
- 409: There has been a conflict with the database.
- 500: Internal-Server-Error.
- 504: The server sent no response back.
There are more details in the response-body about the specific error codes.
(GET) /users
Request to get all users from the database.
(GET) /users/{userId}
Request to get a specific user by his userId from the database.
"Id": 58,
"Username": "Pake",
"Discriminator": "0001",
"DiscordUserId": "185053226641522690",
"Email": "",
"SessionId": "BOGTO8fH8o8YuWxDv2Kmx1hhmhJ3bUfIK32ybbG3",
"Coins": 50,
"Xp": 0,
"Color": null,
"Role": "Player",
"Muted": 0
- (POST) /users/session
Returns the usero object of the user with the given sessionId
"SessionId": "BOGTO8fH8o8YuWxDv2Kmx1hhmhJ3bUfIK32ybbG3"
- (POST) /auth/discord
Creates or find a user in the database and returns the user object.
"code": "jIsmmk2yfD9B35gZ9HbKqsfi2FHNYc"
(GET) /users/leaderboard
Returns the top 100 players with the most experience.
"Id": 4,
"Username": "Test2",
"Discriminator": "9999",
"Xp": 3000
"Id": 1,
"Username": "TestUser",
"Discriminator": "4306",
"Xp": 250
"Id": 2,
"Username": "Test",
"Discriminator": "4307",
"Xp": 100
(GET) /shop/skins/premium/{UserId}
Returns all premium skins.
(GET) /shop/skins/free/{UserId}
Returns all free skins.
(GET) /shop/skins/level/{UserId}
Returns all level skins.
(GET) /shop/skins/owned/{UserId}
Returns all owned skins.
"Id": 1,
"Name": "Bat",
"Price": 100
"Id": 2,
"Name": "Sabretooth",
"Price": 0
(GET) /badwords
Returns all bad words.