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Installation, Migration, and Running Mix Tasks for ClearSettleEngine


Ensure you have Elixir and PostgreSQL installed on your machine.


  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.
  2. Navigate into the project directory.
  3. Initialize the submodule:

Initialize and pull the submodule data: git submodule update --init --recursive.


Update config.exs with your PostgreSQL credentials:

config :clear_settle_engine, ClearSettleEngine.Repo,
  username: "your_username",
  password: "your_password",
  database: "clear_settle_engine_dev",
  hostname: "localhost",
  pool_size: 10

Database Setup:

Run the following commands:

  • mix deps.get to install dependencies.
  • mix ecto.create to create the database.
  • mix ecto.migrate to run migrations.

Running Mix Tasks:

  • Run mix init to execute the demo task.
  • Run mix successful_day to execute the successful_day task.

Ensure you're in the project directory while running these commands.

Live Demo with Market Events

For a live demonstration of the script interacting with real-time market events, please visit the Clear Settle Admin GitHub repository. This repository provides additional context and showcases the application in a dynamic, live environment, offering insight into how the system performs under actual market conditions.