13403e6 Stay on the same kube context during a tilt session (#1053)
8b529a4 Stray backtick mucking up formatting example (#1054)
a252165 build: don't allow duplicate entries in tar files or they will explode (#1058)
90225e2 engine: Print to regular logger if running without HUD (#1064)
b07fc46 engine: dcbad can build images [ch1371] (#1048)
ef9f5ae engine: fix flaky docker compose log test (#1051)
1f6fe0f engine: no manifests is an error condition (#1089)
55106f2 engine: record and display Tiltfile logs separately (#1050)
f0b0dec filewatcher: pick up changes to manifest ignores (#1043)
16df83b gitignore: add failing test for subdir (#1049)
ba2ab43 goreleaser: add homebrew releaser (#1073)
e17be85 hud: copy change for unresourced k8s (#1088)
7b46dcd hud: improve error message on ErrTermNotFound (#1042)
6b590f2 hud: only quit on ^C (#1074)
e97058c integration: disable analytics (#1075)
1745a33 k8s: if can't get kubecontext (e.g. no kubectl), return EnvNone instead of throwing error [ch1443] (#1078)
3f0a073 k8s: install the client auth plugins (#1082)
add91d3 k8s: tilt treats pods that enter the completed state correctly (#1080)
5bbfd6e model: remove YAMLManifest (#1052)
e5d4640 profiling: change key from P to ^P (#1070)
da08bf1 store: improve build history for Tiltfile resource (#1087)
b66c5c8 tiltfile support for docker compose resource + tilt image build [ch1372] (#1062)
8a48e13 tiltfile: add experimental hotreload support (#1060)
b37584d tiltfile: better err messaging for k8s validation (#1063)
eedc354 tiltfile: if there is no Tiltfile, the expected Tiltfile path is still a dep (#1091)
6b0886e tiltfile: reorg and rename how we assemble k8s resources, stub out docker compose resource methods (#1061)
1cf5354 tiltfile: store normalized image name on dc_resource for matching against imagesByName (#1066)
88718af vendor: update k8s client-go to 1.13.2 (#1083)
354f975 vendor: update wmclient with new logging defaults (#1071)
7217320 vendor: upgrade wmclient (#1068)