Latest Open Source Bulk Auto Google Account ( Gmail ) Regiteration Bot Script 2023
According to Jonathan's desription ,only about five gmail addresses can be verified on a single phone number.
This script uses api for phone verification and more services will be added.
To run the script, you don't need to download Chromedriver or Geckodriver manually. The script does it automatically with webdriver manager.
- Install Python 3.x.
pip install -r requirements.txt
- 'Created.txt' will be generated for successful creation.
Switch from Chrome to Firefox by commenting 2 lines.
#options = ChromeOptions()
options = FirefoxOptions()
#driver = webdriver.Chrome(service=Service(ChromeDriverManager().install()), options = options, seleniumwire_options=seleniumwire_options)
driver = webdriver.Firefox(service=Service(GeckoDriverManager().install()), options = options, seleniumwire_options=seleniumwire_options)
You edit the 'User.csv' with given type such as First name, Last name, Password, Birthday, Username(optional) from the second line. If the 5th parameter on user.csv is not passed by userBot generates username automatically adding FN + dot + LN + random 5 digits.( Thanks to BourneXu, Script generates random popular usernames. You can set this variant as "True" to use this functionality to automate generation.
If you want to use socks proxy, please remove comment theses lines. Free Proxy list is here
SOCKS_PROXY = "socks5://user:pass@ip:port"
You can add your own profile if you want by specifying the path.
options.add_argument(r"--user-data-dir=C:\\Users\\Username\\AppData\\Local\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data")
Try to simulate user's mouse action wity pyautogui and adding cookie, recovery email, more sms services such as Durian, 5sims. To bypass bot-detection, I am all ears to hear from you.
Edit user.csv
You can visit to see it's apis.