Result portal is site were faculty can update the results for student according to their semesters and major info . Admin can create faculty , batch(student login) and major info for ease to login credentials and major info. Students can view their result as per their semesters .
- Clone the branch:
git clone -b studentportal
Get into the folder :
cd [path to dir ] , where indeex.js is located -
To install all dependencies where package.json is located:
npm i
- Import Database:
Create the databse_name in mysql
import the database from db.sql to created databse name:
mysql -u username -p database_name < db.sql
- Create privacy.js file and include all database credentails
var mysql=require('mysql');
module.exports= mysql.createConnection({
- Optional: create /config/environment.js to include credentials for nodemailer
module.exports = {
smtp : {
host: "",
port: '465',
secure: true,
auth: {
- Run:
nodemon index.js
Login as admin to create credentials for faculty and student , then login with faculty credential to create results...
Id: admin
Pass: admin123
Note : remember the login password while creating credential.
To upload file from .csv follow the column name and order as:
- Admin:
To upload details of faculty ,batch or subject using csv . Admin needs to update column name with specific name :
- For Faculty :
Col name: id | Name | Email | Password - For Major info :
Col Name: Code | Major | Faculty_id | FacultyName | sem - For Batch :
Col Name: id | Email | Name | Password | Batch | Branch | Group | Sem
- Faculty:
To upload the result for a particular batch the faculty should know the col value . And they can see the col name by going to the result table and clicking on add more and can see the column name .
- Admin:
Create Major with "_" instead of white spaces.