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Results of the Threat-Defuser project

Resources created by the Threat-Defuser team

The KWords application is used for the analysis of texts based on comparison with general usage (reference corpus). The aim is to identify so-called keywords, which are word forms or lemmas appearing in the inspected text with a significantly higher frequency than in the reference corpus which should reflect the common usage. These key words serve as a basis for textual analysis and interpretation.

KWords is an online application (the only thing needed to use it is a web browser) and it is accessible without registration to all users at

The first version of KWords was developed for the purpose of analyzing political speeches in collaboration with Brown University. The second version was developed as part of the Threat-defuser project. This version supports more than 30 languages and allows keyword analysis as well as keymorph analysis.

Media search


  • Obukhova, Anna. 2024. Svalbard through the prism of Russian media: A discourse and cognitive perspective. PhD Dissertation, UiT, The Arctic University of Norway.


  • PUSHING EVERYONE'S BUTTONS: COGNITIVE METHODS IN POLITICAL DISCOURSE - Grammatical and multimodal patterns of compression in political discourse. A Theme Session organized by the Threat-Defuser project as part of the International Cognitive Linguistics Conference at Heinrich Heine University, Düsseldorf, Germany. August 7-11, 2023.

  • The language of threats: Discourse and constructional analysis. A panel at Det 22. nordiske slavistmøte 10.–14. August 2022.


  • Workshop in Malangen, Norway, 07.-09.10.2021.

  • Workshop in Lyngen, Norway, 11.-12.02.2022.

  • Workshop in Prague, Czech Republic, 19.-22.04.2022.




Op-ed pieces


Scholarly presentations

  • Janda, Laura A., with Václav Cvrček, Masako Fidler, Gunhild Hoogensen Gjørv, Anna Obukhova. Beyond Words: Engaging Grammar for Insights into Political Discourse. Conference on Cross-Disciplinarity in Political Science: Research Insights and Perspectives, UiT, January 16, 2025.

  • Rogatchevski, Andrei. Can Songs about President Lukashenka Help Measure His True Popularity?. Conference on Cross-Disciplinarity in Political Science: Research Insights and Perspectives, UiT, January 16, 2025.

  • Václav Cvrček & Masako Fidler: Methodological challenges of corpus-assisted discourse analysis of anti-system news portals. Biennial of Czech Linguistics, Prague. September 18, 2024.

  • Václav Cvrček & Masako Fidler: Methodological challenges of CADS. Brown Charles Lecture Series. Brown University, Providence RI, October 15, 2024.

  • Nesset, Tore. 05.11.2024. Betyr "sikkerhet" det samme på alle språk?. Barentsinstituttets grenseseminaret 2024.

  • Nesset, Tore. 29.02.2024. Før valget i Russland. Valget i Russland -- hva handler det om? UiT Norges Arktiske Universitet og Skarven Vertshus.

  • Obukhova, Anna. 'Stumbling archipelago’: exploring Russian media coverage of Svalbard (Spitsbergen) using Market Basket Analysis. 55th ASEEES Annual Convention; 2023-11-30 - 2023-12-03.

  • Janda, Laura Alexis Finding the “Fun” in External Funding. Grantwriting Workshop 2023, 2023-11-29, University of Tartu, Estonia.

  • Myklebost, Kari Aga; Hoogensen Gjørv, Gunhild. Ukraina-krigens konsekvenser for Norge og nordområdene. Frokostmøte Samfunnsviterne Tromsø; 2023-06-06 - 2023-06-06

  • Janda, Laura A. “What goes around, comes around: Cases that keep me going”, invited plenary lecture for the Slavic Linguistics Society Conference (SLS-18) in Bratislava, Slovakia, August 2023.

  • Nesset, Tore and Svetlana Sokolova. Special operations: Russian rivalry in cognitive linguistics. International Cognitive Linguistics Conference at Heinrich Heine University, Düsseldorf, Germany. August 7-11, 2023.

  • Nesset, Tore, Valentina Zhukova and Anastasia Makarova. The linguistics of threats: a cognitive approach to political discourse. PUSHING EVERYONE'S BUTTONS: COGNITIVE METHODS IN POLITICAL DISCOURSE - Grammatical and multimodal patterns of compression in political discourse. A Theme Session organized by the Threat-Defuser project as part of the International Cognitive Linguistics Conference at Heinrich Heine University, Düsseldorf, Germany. August 7-11, 2023.

  • Janda, Laura, Václav Cvrček, Masako Ueda Fidler, and Anna Obukhova. Putin Makes His Case. PUSHING EVERYONE'S BUTTONS: COGNITIVE METHODS IN POLITICAL DISCOURSE - Grammatical and multimodal patterns of compression in political discourse. A Theme Session organized by the Threat-Defuser project as part of the International Cognitive Linguistics Conference at Heinrich Heine University, Düsseldorf, Germany. August 7-11, 2023.

  • Turner, Mark. Grammatical and multimodal patterns of compression in political discourse. PUSHING EVERYONE'S BUTTONS: COGNITIVE METHODS IN POLITICAL DISCOURSE - Grammatical and multimodal patterns of compression in political discourse. A Theme Session organized by the Threat-Defuser project as part of the International Cognitive Linguistics Conference at Heinrich Heine University, Düsseldorf, Germany. August 7-11, 2023.

  • Cvrček, Václav and Masako Ueda Fidler. Different ways to push the political button: Identifying political orientation among Czech media classes using Market Basket Analysis. PUSHING EVERYONE'S BUTTONS: COGNITIVE METHODS IN POLITICAL DISCOURSE - Grammatical and multimodal patterns of compression in political discourse. A Theme Session organized by the Threat-Defuser project as part of the International Cognitive Linguistics Conference at Heinrich Heine University, Düsseldorf, Germany. August 7-11, 2023.

  • Knoblock, Natalia L. A Politician’s Speech Echoed in Computer-Mediated Communication of his Supporters. PUSHING EVERYONE'S BUTTONS: COGNITIVE METHODS IN POLITICAL DISCOURSE - Grammatical and multimodal patterns of compression in political discourse. A Theme Session organized by the Threat-Defuser project as part of the International Cognitive Linguistics Conference at Heinrich Heine University, Düsseldorf, Germany. August 7-11, 2023.

  • Thornburg, Linda L. and Klaus-Uwe Panther. Modeling figuration in climate change cartoons. PUSHING EVERYONE'S BUTTONS: COGNITIVE METHODS IN POLITICAL DISCOURSE - Grammatical and multimodal patterns of compression in political discourse. A Theme Session organized by the Threat-Defuser project as part of the International Cognitive Linguistics Conference at Heinrich Heine University, Düsseldorf, Germany. August 7-11, 2023.

  • Obukhova, Anna. Market Basket Analysis: What do Russian media say about Svalbard? PUSHING EVERYONE'S BUTTONS: COGNITIVE METHODS IN POLITICAL DISCOURSE - Grammatical and multimodal patterns of compression in political discourse. A Theme Session organized by the Threat-Defuser project as part of the International Cognitive Linguistics Conference at Heinrich Heine University, Düsseldorf, Germany. August 7-11, 2023.

  • Nesset, Tore and Laura Janda. June 16-19, 2023. Kremls språkkrig. Committee for Foreign Affairs Seminar. Barents Sea, UiT.

  • Obukhova, Anna. Svalbard (Spitsbergen) in Russian media: identifying associations and narratives through Market Basket Analysis. The Eighteenth Conference of the Slavic Cognitive Linguistics Association (SCLC-2023) 2023-06-03

  • Nesset, Tore; Sokolova, Svetlana; Björklund, Martina Specprezentacija – A cognitive approach to the morphological construction spec-N in Russian . Slavic Cognitive Linguistics Conference 2023, 2023-06-01

  • Zhukova, Valentina. Empty negation? Two competing contrastive constructions in Russian. The Eighteenth Conference of the Slavic Cognitive Linguistics Association (SCLC-2023); 2023-06-01 - 2023-06-03

  • Nesset, Tore; Sokolova, Svetlana; Björklund, Martina Specprezentacija – A cognitive approach to the morphological construction spec-N in Russian . Slavic Cognitive Linguistics Conference 2023, 2023-06-01

  • Janda, Laura A. 15.05.2023. “Skrytý výzam pádů v projevech Putina”, invited plenary at 24. mezinárodní setkání mladých lingvistů in Olomouc, Czech Republic (digital).

  • Janda, Laura A. 28.02.2023. Grammatical messaging: Putin’s use of case. Invited guest lecture at Princeton University.

  • Janda, Laura A. and Anna Obukhova. 15.11.2022. New linguistic methods applied to Russian political discourse. Guest presentation at UiO FAKESPEAK Workshop (online).

  • Obukhova, Anna. 02.11.2022. How the Russian Media Are Approaching Svalbard (Spitsbergen). Guest lecture for LinLangLunch at Brown University, Providence, RI, USA.

  • Janda, Laura, Masako Fidler, Václav Cvrček, Anna Obukhova. 12.10.2022. Putin Makes His (Grammatical) Case. Guest Lecture for Psychology Dept. at Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA.

  • Obukhova, Anna. 11.10.2022. Corpus Assisted Discourse Analysis: Svalbard (Spitsbergen) through the Prism of Russian News Media. A hybrid Svalbard Studies seminar; UiT, Tromsø, Norge.

  • Janda, Laura, Masako Fidler, Václav Cvrček, Anna Obukhova. 29.09.2022. Keymorph Analysis og Kasus: Putins taler. Nettverkssamiling til Russlandsnettverk, Oslo, Norge.

  • Fidler, M. and V. Cvrček. 2022. Ideological preparation for war in Ukraine? Observations from the Czech antisystem discourse? Slavic Linguistics Society Conference (SLS-17). September 20, 2022.

  • Levshina, Natalia. (2022). Putin’s world through a corpus of his speeches. Poster presented at the 2nd Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Political Text Analysis, 12 September, Potsdam, Germany.

  • Obukhova, Anna. 12.08.2022. Application of Market Basket Analysis to Russian Language Data: A Case Study of News Media Coverage of Svalbard (Spitsbergen). Det 22. nordiske slavistmøte 2022, Oslo, Norge.

  • Zhukova, Valentina. 12.08.2022. "Expressing Threats in Russian: a constructional perspective". 22. Nordiske Slavistmøte 2022, Oslo, Norge.

  • Cvrček, Václav. 12.08.2022. "Parasitization on current topics as a strategy of the anti- establishment Czech media". 22. Nordiske Slavistmøte 2022, Oslo, Norge.

  • Nesset, Tore, and Makarova, Anastasia. 12.08.2022. "Refleksive trusler: Om grozit’, grozit’sja og -sja i russiske verb". 22. Nordiske Slavistmøte 2022, Oslo, Norge.

  • Hoogensen Gjørv, Gunhild. 15.06.2022. "Hybrid threats and civil resilience in the context of Russia's war against Ukraine and the West". Transatlantic Democracy Dialogue, "Defending Democracy" and US Mission to the EU, Brussels.

  • Janda, Laura A. 13.06.2022. "Threat-Defuser: A project for the global Arctic today". Invited lecture at conference entitled Nordic perspectives on security policy in the Arctic at The Fram Centre (FRAM - High North Research Centre for Climate and the Environment). Tromsø, Norway.

  • Trellevik, Amund; Furuly, Jan Gunnar; Hoogensen Gjørv, Gunhild. Putins krig mot det frie ord: Hvordan skille propaganda og sannhet. Internasjonalt Seminar; 2022-10-06 - 2022-10-06.

  • Hoogensen Gjørv, Gunhild. 07.06.2022. "The narratives of the conflict between Ukraine and Russia", International Seminar on "Importance of Diplomacy in Conflict Resolution in the Context of Current War between Russia and Ukraine", Centre for Peace Studies (CPS) of SIPG, North South Univ.

  • Godzimirski, Jakub. 05.05.2022. War in Ukraine: scenarios and energy implications. Ministry of Petroleum and Energy.

  • Godzimirski, Jakub. 01.05.2022. "Ukraine war, Russia and energy crisis in Europe", SIFA (Students' Initiative on Foreign Affairs).

  • Hoogensen Gjørv, Gunhild. 29.04.2022. "Hvordan reagerer mennesker på feil- og desinformasjon i kriser og konflikter?", Medietilsynet nettverksmøte.

  • Hoogensen Gjørv, Gunhild. 21.04.2022. "Sikkerhet i nord". Innspill til UDs midler framover til forskning på utenrikspolitikk/sikkerhetspolitikk i nord, Norges Forskningsrådet.

  • Hoogensen Gjørv, Gunhild. 11.04.2022. "Populism, migration and disinformation", Refugees from Ukraine – implications for the European Union, College of Europe, Warsaw.

  • Šlerka, Josef. 04.04.2022. "Social network data research: How to do it and why". Guest lecture at UiT The Arctic University of Norway.

  • Hoogensen Gjørv, Gunhild. 24.03.2022. "Sivilt-militært samarbeid og beredskap". Program for Forsvarskommisjonens møte i Tromsø 24. mars 2022.

  • Hoogensen Gjørv, Gunhild. 16.03.2022. "Sikkerhet, beredskap og desinformasjon". Statsforvalterenes Kommunikasjonsforum.

  • Hoogensen Gjørv, Gunhild, Rasmus Betelsen Gjedssø, Arve Hansen. 10.03.2022. "Hva skjer i Ukraina?" YATA Tromsø seminar.

  • Fidler, Masako. 26.02.2022. "Impoverished morphemes", at Political Concepts Conference, Cogut Institute, Brown University.

  • Hoogensen Gjørv, Gunhild. 25.10.2021. "Hva nå, Russland", Barents Press Norge, Tromsø.

  • Godzimirski, Jakub M. 12.05.2021. "What are Russia’s strategic ambitions towards Europe and how Russia uses information measures to achieve its goals". Presentation for Threat-Defuser group.2021 05 12 Threat defuser Russian information warfare towards Europe goals means and measures.pptx

  • Hoogensen Gjørv, Gunhild. 22.10.2020. “Nasjonal sikkerhet i en ekstremsituasjon med pandemi som eksempel”. Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi, Oslo.

  • Cvrček, Václav and Masako Fidler. 09.03.2021. A pilot study: Application of Market Basket Analysis to Text Analysis.

How to register results for the THREAT-DEFUSER team

Meeting notes