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rhigman edited this page Aug 28, 2024 · 3 revisions

The Institutions page will display the Research Institutions and Funders that all users have access to. The following information is displayed:

Column Name Content
ID Unique primary key
Institution Institution Name
DOI Institution DOI
Country Country
UpdatedAt Date/time of most recent update

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Edit funder

Any Works funded by this specific institution are displayed in a blue box.

Institution Name (mandatory)

The name of the institution. The canonical name is the main name used in the ROR database.

Institution DOI

The DOI of the institution. You can find a funder DOI through ROR, listed under Crossref Funder ID prefixed by 10.13039/.


The ROR ID of the institution.


The three-letter ISO 3166-1 code representing the country of the institution.

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