With the AEM script console technical and non technical users can easily execute custom groovy scripts in the context of AEM e.g. to fix or migrate content.
The console supports the execution of stored or submitted groovy scripts.
Therefore the console has an editor view to define the script and a script runner UI that allows to start a stored script without having to deal with an editing interface.
Currently the groovy scripting language is supported. The console comes a number of object bindings:
- resolver
- session
- jackrabbitSession
- pageManager
- bundleContext
- queryBuilder
All bindings use the current user's session or a service user if configured for a script. The following closure bindings are supported:
- getNode
- getResource
- getPage
The console is work in progress. The script execution is already working while the forms interface currently work in progress.
Clone the project the enter the project root folder and execute
mvn clean install
To deploy the project just add the autoInstallPackage profile.
mvn clean install -PautoInstallPackage
AEM 6.3 is required and 6.4 recommended.
The software is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License see the attached LICENSE file or http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html for details.