E-commerce Progressive Web App
A website I built to practice a bunch of technologies:
- NextJS 14
- Scss
- Typecript
- Redux
- Google Maps API
- Stripe API / payment gateway
- Supabase (hosting my database)
- EmailJS
- Framer Motion
- react-hook-form package (handling form errors)
The app is progressive, it means that:
- You can download it from compatible browsers and use it like a native app
- You can run it while offline
- Essential data is cached so it loads the content faster
As a visitor of this e-commerce website, you can:
- Create an account / log in / log out
- Complete, edit your account, upload a profile picture
- View products, add any to your cart
- Search products by category, brand, name...
- Contact the owner (me) through various contact forms
As an admin, you can:
- Add, edit and delete products
NB: since this app is for training and educational purposes only, I chose not to make access to some routes private. Only those that require admin authorization are accessible by logging in using any email address ending with "@admin.com"
Open a terminal, travel to you desired location on your machine using:
cd nameOfyourLocation
Clone the project:
git clone https://github.com/thomasaugot/wave-rider-ecommerce.git
Then, run the development server:
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev
# or
bun dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.
Here are a few screenshots of the app: