NB: this repository only shows the BACK-END part of the project, for the front-end code, please go to: https://github.com/thomasaugot/app-partymates-client
I developed this application as my third and last project during a full stack web development program at Ironhack. The application uses all MERN stack technologies:
- Front-End: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, React
- Back-End: Express, Node.js, MongoDB The app is interacting with a REST API that I builded.
The application is a social media platform that connects users looking for party mates. Users are able to:
- Sign up, log in, log out
- Browse available events
- Indicate that they will be attending specific events.
- Post publicly and interact with other users through private messaging.
- clone
- install dependencies:
npm install
- create a .env file with the following environment variables:
- PORT (example, PORT=5005)
- ORIGIN, with the location of your frontend app (example, ORIGIN=https://mycoolapp.netlify.com)
- TOKEN_SECRET: used to sign auth tokens (example, TOKEN_SECRET=yOuR$EcRetToKEn)
- run the application:
npm run dev
Auth endpoints
HTTP verb | Path | Request Headers | Request body | Description |
POST | /api/auth/signup | – | { email: String, password: String, name: String } | Create an account |
POST | /api/auth/login | – | { email: String, password: String } | Login |
GET | /api/auth/verify | Authorization: Bearer <jwt> |
– | Verify jwt |
User endpoints
HTTP verb | Path | Request Headers | Request body | Description |
GET | /api/profile/:userId | – | - | access user profile |
Trips endpoints
HTTP verb | Path | Request Headers | Request body | Description |
POST | /api/trips | Authorization: Bearer <jwt> |
{ description: String } | Create new trip/post |
GET | /api/trips | – | – | Get all trips |
PUT | /api/trips/:tripId | Authorization: Bearer <jwt> |
{ description: String } | Update a trip/post |
DELETE | /api/trips/:tripId | Authorization: Bearer <jwt> |
– | Delete a project |
Events endpoints
HTTP verb | Path | Request Headers | Request body | Description |
POST | /api/events | Authorization: Bearer <jwt> |
{ N/A } | Create new project (Not implemented yet) |
GET | /api/events | – | – | Get all events |
GET | /api/events/:eventId | – | – | Get project details |
PUT | /api/events/:eventId | Authorization: Bearer <jwt> |
{ N/A } | Update a project (Not implemented yet) |
DELETE | /api/events/:eventId | Authorization: Bearer <jwt> |
– | Delete a project (Not implemented yet) |
Messages endpoints
HTTP verb | Path | Request Headers | Request body | Description |
POST | /api/messages | Authorization: Bearer <jwt> |
{ recipient: ObjectId, creator: ObjectId, content: String } | Create new message |
GET | /api/messages | Authorization: Bearer <jwt> |
– | Get all messages |
- A demo of the REST API can be found here: https://partymates-server.adaptable.app/
- You can check the deployed project at https://partymates.netlify.app