Easily generate client and worker code for temporal from protobuf definitions
You will find a reference proto here and it corresponding generated code there for reference purposes.
You need to include temporal.v1 in your project. Note that this protobuf package is also published on
buf.build so you can easily use it should you use buf
to build your project's protos.
When the setup is done, you can start defining actions and workflows in your services like so
syntax = "proto3";
package example.v1;
// This is where buf will generate your protobuf go code
option go_package = "github.com/thomas-maurice/protoc-gen-go-tmprl/gen/example/v1";
import "temporal/v1/temporal.proto";
import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
service HelloWorld {
option (temporal.v1.service) = {
// this is not mandatory but will serve as a sane default
task_queue: "hello_world"
// Just a simple ping
rpc Ping(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {
option (temporal.v1.activity) = {
// you don't have to but you can also define default activity
// options that will be applied every time the activity
// is called
// Say hello to multiple people
rpc SayMultipleHello(MultipleHelloRequest) returns (MultipleHelloResponse) {
option (temporal.v1.workflow) = {
// Similarily to the activity options you can define workflows
// options such as retry policies and so on so you don't
// have to specify them every run
You can setup a service level (here a service refers to a worker) default for activities and workflows respectively in the default_activity_options
and default_workflow_options
fields of the
If you don't want to do that, it's fine, yhou can define these setups at the individual workflow or activity level doing something like this
// Some activity
rpc SomeActivity(SomeRequest) returns (SomeResponse) {
option (temporal.v1.activity) = {
schedule_to_start_timeout: 30
schedule_to_close_timeout: 120
start_to_close_timeout: 120
retry_policy: {
initial_interval: 1
backoff_coefficient: 1.5
maximum_interval: 10
maximum_attempts: 10
non_retryable_error_types: ["FATAL"]
Similarly for the workflows
// Do some stuff
rpc DoSomething(SomeRequest) returns (SomeResponse) {
option (temporal.v1.workflow) = {
// one day
workflow_execution_timeout: 86400
// one hour
workflow_run_timeout: 7200
Each workflow will get assigned a dedicated object in the generated code. All the workflow objects implement the internal.WorkflowRun
interface from the Temporal SDK. They contain a few methods that can be useful for you. Let's take as an example the following
// Say hello to multiple people
rpc SayMultipleHello(MultipleHelloRequest) returns (MultipleHelloResponse) {
option (temporal.v1.workflow) = {};
The following methods will be generated for the workflow object:
// Cancel cancels a given workflow
func (w *HelloWorldSayMultipleHello) Cancel(ctx context.Context) error
// Returns the workflow ID
func (w *HelloWorldSayMultipleHello) GetID() string
// Returns the run ID
func (w *HelloWorldSayMultipleHello) GetRunID() string
// Terminates terminates a given workflow
func (w *HelloWorldSayMultipleHello) Terminate(ctx context.Context, reason string, details ...interface{})
// Get gets the result of a given workflow with its native type
func (w *HelloWorldSayMultipleHello) Result(ctx context.Context) (*MultipleHelloResponse, error)
// ResultWithOptions gets the result of a given workflow with its native type
func (w *HelloWorldSayMultipleHello) ResultWithOptions(ctx context.Context, options client.WorkflowRunGetOptions) (*MultipleHelloResponse, error)
// Get gets the result of a given workflow with pointers -- discouraged to use but required to implement internal.WorkflowRun
func (w *HelloWorldSayMultipleHello) Get(ctx context.Context, valuePtr interface{}) error
// Get gets the result of a given workflow with pointers -- discouraged to use but required to implement internal.WorkflowRun
func (w *HelloWorldSayMultipleHello) GetWithOptions(ctx context.Context, valuePtr interface{}, options client.WorkflowRunGetOptions) error
You can retrieve this HelloWorldSayMultipleHello
object from the client using one of these two methods:
func (c *HelloWorldClient) GetSayMultipleHello(ctx context.Context, workflowId string, runId string) *HelloWorldSayMultipleHello
func (c *HelloWorldClient) GetSayMultipleHelloFromRun(future client.WorkflowRun) *HelloWorldSayMultipleHello
Additionally, if you have defined signal and queries in your workflow options like in the following protobuf
rpc SayMultipleHello(MultipleHelloRequest) returns (MultipleHelloResponse) {
option (temporal.v1.workflow) = {
signals: ["Continue"]
queries: ["GetStatus"]
Then you will have access to the two following methods:
// SignalContinue sends the Continue signal to the workflow
func (w *HelloWorldSayMultipleHello) SignalContinue(ctx context.Context, req *ContinueSignalRequest) error
// QueryGetStatus queries the workflow with GetStatus
func (w *HelloWorldSayMultipleHello) QueryGetStatus(ctx context.Context, req *GetStatusRequest) (*GetStatusResponse, error)
become SomeFunc
for Service1
, you can reuse types, not methods.
You can define signal and queries functions in your service, if they are annotated with the respective temporal.v1.signal
options they will be treated as such. For example if we have a signal like so:
rpc Continue(ContinueSignalRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {
option (temporal.v1.signal) = {};
You will have access to the three following methods:
// SendSignalContinue sends the Continue signal to a workflow
// This can be called from a workflow or externally
func (c *ServiceClient) SendSignalContinue(ctx context.Context, workflowID string, runID string, req *ContinueSignalRequest) error
// ReceiveSignalContinue waits for the the Continue signal
// This is called within a workflow exclusively
func ReceiveSignalContinue(ctx workflow.Context) (*ContinueSignalRequest, bool)
// ReceiveSignalContinueAsync recieves the the Continue signal asynchronously.
// It doesn't wait if there is no signal in the queue.
// This is called within a workflow exclusively
func ReceiveSignalContinueAsync(ctx workflow.Context) (*ContinueSignalRequest, bool)
For queriees it is very similar, let's take for example the following query:
rpc GetStatus(GetStatusRequest) returns (GetStatusResponse) {
option (temporal.v1.query) = {};
This will grant you the following two methods:
// QueryGetStatus sends the GetStatus query to a workflow
// This can be called from a workflow or externally
func (c *ServiceClient) QueryGetStatus(ctx context.Context, workflowID string, runID string, req *GetStatusRequest) (*GetStatusResponse, error)
// HandleQueryGetStatus sets up the GetStatus query and responds accordingly, returns an error if it failed
// This is called within your workflow to setup the handler method
func HandleQueryGetStatus(ctx workflow.Context, queryFunc func(req *GetStatusRequest) (*GetStatusResponse, error)) error
You get access to a similar API with the child workflows executions, something like so
func (c *HelloWorldClient) GetChildHelloWorldSayMultipleHelloExecution(future workflow.ChildWorkflowFuture) *ChildHelloWorldSayMultipleHelloExecution
However the API is a bit more limited (no way to query for example) because it is a wrapper around the internal.ChildWorkflowExecution
The method type you'd be interested in are the ones that allow you to signal the child workflow, for example:
func (w *ChildHelloWorldSayMultipleHelloExecution) SignalContinue(ctx workflow.Context, req *ContinueSignalRequest) error
The generated code exposes a lot of primitives such as (non exhaustive list):
: Executes a workflow and returns a futureclient.ExecuteWorkflowXSync
: Executes a workflow and blocks until the result is returnedclient.ExecuteChildX
: Executes a workflow from a workflow and returns a futureclient.ExecuteChildXSync
: Executes a workflow from a workflow and blocks until the result is returnedclient.ExecuteActivityX
: Executes an activity and returns a futureclient.ExecuteActivityXSync
: Executes an activity and blocks until the result is returnedclient.GetX
: Gets an instance of a workflowworkflow.Cancel
: Cancels a workflowworkflow.Teminate
: Terminates a workflowworkflow.Get
: Gets the result of a workflow like you would on a normal future (you probably don't want that because no type safety)workflow.Result
: Gets the result of a workflow with type safety
Generally a good starting point to get familiar with the generated code is to have a look at the example client and example worker provided.
, if set to true, instead of using an UUID for workflow IDs, the worker will generate a name that looks like<module>.v<X>.<service>.<rpcMethodName>/<uuid>
, likeexample.v1.DieRoll.ThrowDies/e2715d07-7bc0-495d-90c5-c396c0a17b46
for example.paths
, like on the protoc-gen-go, for examplepaths=source_relative
, sets the default activity schedule to close timeout, this is required otherwise temporal won't run your activity at all if it is left unspecified (default86400
which is 24h)
You can enable it in buf using:
version: v2
- local: protoc-gen-go-tmprl
out: gen
- paths=source_relative
- gen-workflow-prefix=true
You need to install buf to get started, it's a more pleasant experience when generating protobufs.
You need direnv to load some env variables into your shell. This is required to add the bin
directory to the PATH
$ make build
$ make