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101 lines (60 loc) · 4.98 KB

Structure of the code base

This file contains the BERT Model whose backbone is the transformer. We recommend walking through Section 3 of the paper to understand each component of the transformer. This is where you'll start your implementation: your first goal is to complete this file in order to pass the tests in sanity_test/


This class should implement the multi-head attention layer of the transformer. This layer maps a query and a set of key-value pairs to an output. The output is calculated as the weighted sum of the values, where the weight of each value is computed by a function that takes the query and the corresponding key. To implement this layer, you should:

  1. Linearly project the queries, keys, and values with their corresponding linear layers
  2. Split the vectors for multi-head attention
  3. Follow the equation to compute the attended output of each head
  4. Concatenate multi-head attention outputs to recover the original shape



This corresponds to one transformer layer which has

  1. A multi-head attention layer
  2. Add-norm layer
  3. A feed-forward layer
  4. Another add-norm layer


This is the BertModel that takes the input ids and returns the contextualized representation for each word. The structure of the BertModel is:

  1. an embedding layer that consists of word embedding word_embedding and positional embeddingpos_embedding.
  2. bert encoder layer which is a stack of config.num_hidden_layers BertLayer
  3. a projection layer for [CLS] token which is often used for classification tasks

The desired outputs are

  1. last_hidden_state: the contextualized embedding for each word of the sentence, taken from the last BertLayer (i.e. the output of the bert encoder)
  2. pooler_output: the [CLS] token embedding

To be implemented

Components that require your implementations are marked with TODO. More detailed instructions can be found in their corresponding code blocks, in the following functions:

  • bert.BertSelfAttention.attention
  • bert.BertLayer.add_norm
  • bert.BertLayer.forward
  • bert.BertModel.embed

ATTENTION: you are free to re-organize the functions inside each class, but please don't change the variable names that correspond to BERT parameters. The change to these variable names will fail to load the pre-trained weights.

Sanity check

We provide a sanity check function at sanity_test/ to test your implementation. It will reload two embeddings we computed with our reference implementation and check whether your implementation outputs match ours. (to be implemented)

This is where AdamW is defined. You will need to update the step() function based on Decoupled Weight Decay Regularization and Adam: A Method for Stochastic Optimization. There are a few slight variations on AdamW, pleae note the following:

  • The reference uses the "efficient" method of computing the bias correction mentioned at the end of section 2 "Algorithm" in Kigma & Ba (2014) in place of the intermediate m hat and v hat method.
  • The learning rate is incorporated into the weight decay update.
  • There is no learning rate schedule: we'll use the same alpha throughout.

You can check your optimizer implementation using sanity_test/

This is the training and evaluation pipeline for the minBERT part of the project. You'll choose how to train and improve minBERT models on the quora, sts and sst datasets (additionally on the etpc dataset).

In this file, you'll set up a pipeline for finetuning a BART model on the paraphrase types detection task. Use BCEWithLogitsLoss as the loss function. As a starting point, use 'facebook/bart-large' as the pre-trained model.

In this file, you'll set up a pipeline for finetuning a BART model on the paraphrase generation task. Fill the file based on the comments and the instructions in the file.

This is the base class for the BertModel, and it is already fully implemented for you. It contains functions to

  1. Initialize the weights init_weights, _init_weights
  2. Restore pre-trained weights from_pretrained. Since we are using the weights from HuggingFace, we are doing a few mappings to match the parameter names You won't need to modify this file in your project.

This is where BertTokenizer is defined. You won't need to modify this file in your project.

This is where the configuration class is defined. You won't need to modify this file in your project.

This file contains utility functions for various purposes. You won't need to modify this file in your project.


[Vaswani el at. + 2017] Attention is all you need