This is the server for burnt_toast_client
Created by Lucas Bigelow, El Moctar Ebnou, Nicholas Hemerling, Sonali Martinez-Najera, and Jim Smith.
- Node.js
- Express
- PostgreSQL
Private endpoints require a valid token to be included in the header of the request. A Token can be acquired after successfully login.
- POST /api/auth required fields to login {username, password} => Response 200 {TOKEN}
POST /api/users required fields to sign up { full_name, username, password, email, zip } => Response 201
DELETE /api/users => Response with 200 'Deleted user'
GET /api/profiles => Response 200 [ profiles ]
POST /api/profiles required fields to create new profile { full_name, email, zip, profile_desc, profile_img_url } => Response 201 { profile }
PATCH /api/profiles => Response 200 { updateProfile }
GET /api/profiles/:profile_id => Response 200 { profile }
GET /api/user_skills => Response 200 [ allSkills ]
POST /api/user_skills required fields to post a skill { skill_id, skill_desc, user_skill_type, skill_img_url } => Response 201 { skill }
DELETE /api/user_skills/:user_skill_id => Response 200 'Skill deleted'
GET /api/user_skills/:user_id => Response 200 [ userSkills ]
GET /api/user_skills/skills/:skill_id?[optional filter params] => Response 200 [ userSkills ]
GET /api/user_skills/details/:user_skill_id => Response 200 {skillDetails}
- GET /api/skills => Response 200 [ skills ]
- GET /api/categories => Response 200 [ categories ]
- npm run dev
- npm run migrate
- npm test
- @elmoctarebnou
- @jsmith774
- @nhemerling
- @sonalinajera
- @the-gamblers-fallacy