This is a draft TODO list for future directions in zenroom development, to be vouched with priorities emerging from DECODE pilots and their specific use-cases.
add a new 8bit memory manager to test perhaps also build a memory paging system to use 8bit mm over larger portions of memory
add more memory tracking / fencing facilities also for script testing/profiling
add tracking of single lua command/operations executions
in/out to MSGPACK in addition to JSON for compact messaging easy using Antirez' extension see
add some more functions from stdlib's string and utils
erlang style pattern matching on data structures
date and time module
V if event based callback framework needed, try including libev
V pick extensions from here
X compile extensions and load them from strings using the lua load() function directly with callbacks
X provide a finite state machine programming interface
X functional programming facility
X use static memory pool in place of malloc from host implemented using umm_malloc
on error print out code at line where it has been detected the line number is already included between semicolons just need to go to script buffer and extract line
!! make a Jupyter kernel for zenroom (-> Puria)
graphviz representation of complex data structures
add superior testing and profiling facility with lust
enhance debug module stacktrace
V self documentation (also includes interesting modules as luabalanced)
X add list of functions and keywords for completion in ace the js editor used for the example. last review of way to include extensions (with prefix. or?)
Benchmark suite to measure capacity to de/code large amounts of streaming data in chunks.
Investigate adoption of LuaJit in place of Lua5.1 (should be easy as it seems the C api is pretty much the same)
- maybe support Linux kernel keystore feature for loaded keys (see cryptsetup 2.0)
X adopt a declarative approach to data schemes accepted in scripts supporting i.e. code analysis to report on bad constructs DONE - just write documentation, examples and tests
Start sketching an high-level API based on experience in DECODE
Provide cross-language examples for most basic operations
V Make it easy to integrate with BLOCKLY to generate simple cryptographic functions.
X Build a simple example webpage that runs only in javascript and compiles Zenroom scripts providing results
X Document api with luadoc or other means
Build a usable ABC implementation (maybe compatible with coconut and/or IRMA?)
Reproduce tor's new onion address scheme (see tor-dam/pkg/damlib/crypto_25519.go)
Consider adding GOST from
Investigate inclusion of primitives from libsodium
Investigate inclusion of primitives from libgcrypt
Investigate strategies to build compatibility with ssh
Investigate strategies to build compatibility with gnupg
Integrate the new secret-sharing library by dsprenkels
Include salsa20 (and its dependency bit32)
X Finish integrating Milagro in the LUA script
This section lists hypotethical developments and may lead to a completely new release of Zenroom or a derivate, while keeping the LUA one still maintained
? Substitute cjson with a langsec hammer parser (tutorial lesson13)
? After extensive documentation of use-cases, substitute the LUA syntax parser with a limited DSL also written in langsec hammer
- Add SMT analysis as a backend to most sensitive operations
take configuration parameters from a json struct
Include libs from penlight stringx, lexer
X provide cryptographic proof random sources
X Remove all additional cruft coming in from heka and eventually turn the implementation to use only non-dynamic memory
X Include libs for lispy operations on data
X make a secure include directive
X Find a way to load native LUA extensions at compile time
X provide a REPL and perhaps a LISP interpreter