This app is an attempt to implement the user app functionality for the DECODE IoT pilot until the real app changes. It provides a UI that mimics the wallet functionality and implements all the Coconut encryption interactions in the browser to create encoded streams and save credentials.
The implementation saves all data into localstorage within the browser so is by no means secure, however the aim is to prototype the interaction not provide a fully secure environment.
The app is built inside Docker/Compose environment so to run locally you should be able to just run:
$ make start
This application is implemented as Vue.js front end, being served by a Phoenix back end. The Phoenix application currently just returns the HTML, Javascript and other assets necessary to render the Vue application. It also maintains a socket server that receives messages sent from Vue, and in addition forwards messages onto the other external services we speak to, i.e. the Policystore, the Encoder or the Credential Service.
The Vue front end stores all data purely client side in localstorage, so is not by any means secure. This data includes a user's device configuration, as well as the Coconut credentials that will allow the user to prove membership of a community to the dashboard.
The app has been deployed to heroku, and is available here: