Experimenting with capturing a set of protobuf definitions for DECODE within a single repository.
The services defined here are the three core services we have currently specced out as being required for the IoT scale model and pilot:
- device registration service
- stream encoder
- encrypted datastore
The interfaces defined represent the first evolution of the system (Evolution 1), which attempts to lay out the basic building blocks that we will expand on in later iterations.
Component interfaces are specified here using a protocol buffers specification. It does not necessarily follow from this that we will implement services using a protocol buffer aware implementation; it is just a precise and compact way of defining this.
I propose generating client/server stubs from this repo, and publishing them to their own repos for each langauge we decide to support, e.g. https://github.com/thingful/decode-datastore-go or https://github.com/thingful/decode-datastore-node. An automated process for this will be set up, but for now I am just creating these repos manually.
Please see the Wiki for some documentation around the proposed workflows - https://github.com/thingful/decode-protorepo/wiki