Personal configuration for Home Assistant
Check out this diagram for an overview of how my homelab / HA instance is structured.
I use this configuration together with the Git Pull add-on to automatically fetch updates from this git repo and restart if needed:
"git_branch": "master",
"git_command": "pull",
"git_remote": "origin",
"git_prune": true,
"repository": "",
"auto_restart": true,
"restart_ignore": [
"repeat": {
"active": true,
"interval": 300
- You need to first clone the repo by ssh'ing into Home Assistant, cd'ing to your config dir (
) and cloning it there. - Enter the details above in the Git Pull add-on and adjust if needed
- Start the add-on
- Makefile to as simple task-runner
- pre-commit for git hooks
- Github Actions as CI pipeline