Solutions for the LeetCode Coding Problems
# | Title | Language | Category |
1 | Two Sum | C++ C |
Array |
7 | Reverse Integer | C++ | Math |
9 | Palindrome Number | Python C C++ Java C# JavaScript |
Math |
12 | Integer to Roman | C++ Java |
Math String |
13 | Roman to Integer | C++ | Math String |
70 | Climbing Stairs | Python C C++ |
Dynamic Programming |
118 | Pascal's Triangle | C++ | Array |
125 | Valid Palindrome | C++ | Two Pointers String |
168 | Excel Sheet Column Title | C++ Python |
Math |
202 | Happy Number | C++ | Hash Table Math |
234 | Palindrome Linked List | C++ | Linked List Math |
258 | Add Digits | Python C++ |
Math |
263 | Ugly Number | C++ | Math |
278 | First Bad Version | Python C++ |
Binary Search |
299 | Bulls and Cows | C++ | Hash Table |
482 | License Key Formatting | Python C++ |
String |
500 | Keyboard Row | C++ | Hash Table |
551 | Student Attendance Record I | C++ | String |
1108 | Defanging an IP Address | C++ | String |
1051 | Height Checker | Python C++ |
Array |
1232 | Check If It Is a Straight Line | Python C++ |
Array Math Geometry |
1344 | Angle Between Hands of a Clock | Java C++ |
Math |