This is a Vue.js port of panzoom, an extensible, mobile friendly pan and zoom framework (supports DOM and SVG).
- Regular DOM object
- Standalone page - this repository
- YASIV - my hobby project
- SVG Tiger - js fiddle
Using npm
npm install vue-panzoom --save
Using yarn
yarn add vue-panzoom
// import Vuejs
import Vue from 'vue'
import App from './App.vue'
// import vue-panzoom
import panZoom from 'vue-panzoom'
// install plugin
new Vue({
render: h => h(App),
<div id="app">
<!-- apply to an image -->
<img src="">
<!-- apply to regular dom elements -->
<p>You can zoom me</p>
<!-- apply to svg -->
<panZoom selector="#g1">
<svg height="210" width="400">
<g id="g1">
<path d="M150 0 L75 200 L225 200 Z" />
If you wish to change the name of the vue component from the default panZoom, you pass an option to the plugin like so:
Vue.use(panZoom, {componentName: 'yourPanZoom'});
and then use in your vue template like so:
Use this to specify an element within the scope of vue-panzoom component instance, to apply panZoom to. Default is the first root element of the vue-panzoom component. It accepts standard css selector specification.
<panZoom selector=".zoomable">
<div class="not-zoomable">I cannot be zoomed and panned</div>
<div class="zoomable">I can be zoomed and panned</div>
The options prop is used to define panzoom options. All panzoom options are supported
<panZoom :options="{minZoom: 0.5, maxZoom: 5}"></panZoom>
You can listen to specific events in the lifecycle of a vue-panzoom instance. For example, in the code below the function onPanStart will be called when pan begins
<panZoom @panstart="onPanStart"></panZoom>
Another way to listen to events within the init event's callback, when you know for sure everything is ready and the panzoom instance is available. For example
<panZoom @init="onInit"></panZoom>
onInit: function(panzoomInstance, id) {
panzoomInstance.on('panstart', function(e){
This event is fired when the vue-panzoom instance has been initialized successfully. For example:
<panZoom @init="onInit"></panZoom>
panzoom events
All events supported by panzoom are also supported here.
Version 1.1.4 uses "rollup-plugin-vue": "^6.0.0"
, which requires Vue 3. For projects using Vue 2, downgrade to 1.1.3, e.g.:
npm install vue-panzoom@1.1.3