- Contain username in Center
- User picture on left
- Click to change
- User settings on right (gear icon)
- For now, do nothing,
- Styling
- Contains contact picture of other chat user on left
- For now, default image until we have real ones set up
- Contains username in bold above the last message
- Last message a state variable and updatable
- Click to open chat screen.
- For now just alert, until chat screen component created
- Styling
- Show all active chats as ChatComponents.
- Takes up most of page
- Background says try contacting someone on first load
- Styling
- Big round + sign to start a new chat with a contact in your list
- Floating at bottom right, click to create alert
- Read local contacts
- Store contacts within the app itself.
- For now just store username and phone number and image.
- Create a few dummies
- Maintains it's side of the web socket between the two phones
- SMS Socket?
- Integrate signal-encryption protocol
- Recieve function:
- Write message locally
- Update Relevant ChatComponent
- Create MessageComponent marked unread
- Send function:
- Write message locally
- pass text to send to relevant chat service
- Style all the components for the app so far
- Back button on far left, takes you to main screen
- User picture on left
- contact's username in middle,
- phone icon on right
- Hamburger icon on far right
- Dropdown to list of setting
- Just a list of random alert buttons for now
- Dropdown to list of setting
- Styling (this is a rough draft, we need it pretty so we'll have to tweak it alot)
- Bubble surrounding message text,
- Has state of type {unread, read}
- Eventually we add emojis and reactions
- Can be replied to/a reply to
- If a reply, display link to original post
- Comprises most of screen, shows messages within the chat.
- Most recent messages loaded, more called when scrolling
- Textbox to enter messages
- Send button
- On send:
- Send text via Chat Service
- create MessageComponent and add to chat with status unread
- We'll think of some good ones to add
- Build all services to have multiple connections from the beginning?
- Update messaging service and chats service to handle multiple people
- Special type of message
- parent class for the following:
- Proposal announced
- People can vote to support or object, encouraged to explain why
- Can be edited, must reflect group consensus, ie general trend of all votes and reasons
- Edit history is visible and edits can be reverted