Releases: the-paid-actor/dcs-dtc
Version 7.2.2
See the README for install and usage instructions:
Please report any issues on DTC Discord - by creating a post in the Bugs section.
[Hornet] Fixed Pre-Planned coordinate upload (thanks to triscan for the fix)
[Hornet] Fixed "EW on HUD" option not syncing correctly in DCS
[Apache] Fixes Waypoint and Route uploads to conform to latest DCS changes
[General] Fixes a small rounding issue with coordinates
Version 7.2.1
See the README for install and usage instructions:
Please report any issues on DTC Discord - by creating a post in the Bugs section.
[Apache] Added option to clear all points
[Apache] Fix error when uploading empty lists of points
[General] Fix error if windows is out of bounds of any display
Version 7.2.0
See the README for install and usage instructions:
Please report any issues on DTC Discord - by creating a post in the Bugs section.
Apache added. Features included are:
- Waypoints, hazards, control measures, targets and threats input
- Routes
- TSD settings
The in-cockpit upload button is the Defog button for both Pilot and CPG (hold it for > 1 second)
[F-15E] Allow editing of Bullseye BE1 coordinates
[F-15E] Added TGP laser code setting
[F-15E] Fix input of first steerpoint as a target point
[F18] Right click + Decrement sequences now decrement all the way to zero
Version 7.1.0
See the README for install and usage instructions:
Please report any issues on DTC Discord - by creating a post in the Bugs section.
[General] Added back the abiity to reorder waypoints by drag and drop in the waypoints list. The reordering tries to maintain gaps between blocks of steerpoints.
[General] Allow copy-paste of settings with right-click. For example, you want to copy the countermeasures between two presets. You right click the CMS menu on the left-hand menu on the first preset, click Copy, then navigate to the second preset, right-click the CMS menu and click Paste. This works as well to share between other people who fly DCS.
[General] Ability to copy/paste individual waypoints on the same aircraft and between aircrafts (by right-clicking on the waypoint list)
[General] Added default name for steerpoints (STPT + sequence)
[General] Renamed "Shift up/down" context menu to "Decrement / increment sequence"
[FA18] Sequences now start at 0 by default
[F16] Fix HARM tables not being set if missiles on inboard stations
Version 7.0.4
See the README for install and usage instructions:
Please report any issues on DTC Discord - by creating a post in the Bugs section.
[General] Fixes Load/Save page not showing all checkboxes
[Hornet] Fixes crash when trying to upload an empty sequence
[F15E] Fix bug where converted presets from older versions would have presets starting at 0 instead of 1
[F15E] Always set Radio 2 to AM
[F15E] Allow radios to be set from WSO seat
[F15E] Fix allowed radio freq ranges for radio 1 to be only UHF
For full V7 changelog check
Version 7.0.3
See the README for install and usage instructions:
Fixed crash when uploading empty radios to Strike Eagle.
For full V7 changelog check
Version 7.0.2
See the README for install and usage instructions:
Fixed bug when uploading datalink settings for the Viper.
For full V7 changelog check
Version 7.0.1
See the README for install and usage instructions:
Fixed loading of files from old versions.
For full V7 changelog check
Version 7.0.0
See the README for install and usage instructions:
IMPORTANT - Please report any issues on DTC Discord - by creating a post in the Bugs section.
The file format for this version has changed. It should automatically read your current preset files, but if you have issues please report as a bug.
- Full rework of the code to allow code reuse, faster implementation of future modules and more complex logic on DCS upload process
- Waypoints: Uniformized screens across all modules
- Waypoints: Ability to directly edit the sequence number
- Waypoints: Ability to leave gaps in the waypoint list
- Waypoints: Ability to leave time over steerpoint blank
- Waypoints: Added import from Combatflite file
- Waypoints: Right-click on waypoint list allows to shift up / shift down the selected waypoints by decrementing / incrementing sequence numbers. Note that it requires space in the sequence list of numbers for the changes to apply.
- Capture dialog: Removed old capture method in favor of VR-compatible one inside DCS (Ctrl+Shift+D)
- Capture dialog: Added “Send to DTC + Jet” button that triggers upload of the listed coordinates
- Capture dialog: Ability to change shortcut key by editing dtc-settings.json on Documents folder
- Capture dialog: Added capture settings to all modules to control where new steerpoints and targets are added
- UI: Coordinate text fields accept pasting coordinates from DCS (copied using the Alt+click dialog) including elevation
- UI: Clicking … on coordinate text fields allows coordinate conversion between various formats
- UI: App window now remembers its position on startup
- Upload: Added visual indication in DCS while uploading is taking place
- Upload: app now ignores double-upload (uploading while one is already taking place)
- Datalink: ability to set callsign
- Datalink: ability to set flight members and TDOA
- Datalink: ability to set TNDL mode on HSI
- Radios: add “enable guard” setting
- Radios: added default frequency or preset
- Radios: ability to give a name to radio presets
- MFDs: added FCR settings for NAV, AA and MSL master modes
- HARM/HTS: Merged HARM and HTS settings
- Upload: Removed requirement to be in a specific master mode for certain settings to upload
- Upload: streamlined upload to avoid switching between pages unnecessarily
- Upload: Now enables precise waypoints and decimal mode by default
- Capture dialog: Added capture to specific pre-planned targets
- Waypoints: Coordinate format now uses decimal setting for more precision
- Sequences: Allow sequences to automatically use all waypoints or a range of waypoints
- CMS: Added mode selection
- CMS: Added program selection
- CMS: Added EW on HUD option
- Radios: add “enable guard” setting
- Radios: added default frequency or preset
- Radios: ability to give a name to radio presets
- FCR: Ability to configure FCR settings for AMRAAM, Sparrow and Sidewinder
- Pre-Planned: Simplified selection of stores and removed requirement to specify centerline
- Pre-Planned: Added PP6
- Pre-Planned: Added button to reset all PP
- HMD: Ability to configure HMD blanking settings
- Misc: Set default bullseye to 59
- Misc: Added laser and LST codes
Strike Eagle
- Upload: Revamped upload process to work from both pilot and WSO stations. No pre-selection is needed; if you are the pilot it will use the pilot controls, if you are the WSO it will use the WSO controls.
- Upload: Added display upload selection: “Auto-select” only uploads displays for current station in DCS, and “Pilot and WSO” switches between the seats to upload both
- Capture dialog: Added capture to specific smart weapon stations
- Waypoints: Added routes A, B and C
- Waypoints: Added MEA setting in feet
- Smart Weapons: Added coordinate upload directly into smart weapons
Version 5.3.4
See the README for install and usage instructions:
[General] Added coordinate conversion and copy/paste support for all coordinate textboxes. This means you can copy/paste from the DCS coordinate window (the Alt+Click window) or just copy/paste any coordinate in any format, and if its valid it will be accepted. Also the 3-dots button to the right of the textbox will open a little window showing the same coordinate in different formats, and these fields are also modifiable.
[F15E] Added Smart Weapons page to the display programming
[General] Upload page settings now persists correctly across all jets