Xiaomi Channel Pro the name itself suggests its existence, It is found by ░ϟкƴмαη░(https://t.me/mmpersian) on October 02, 2016 ,With a aim to deliver all the latest Development stuffs at one place made by some amazing developers who work for various Xiaomi devices to make it better everyday. The team was fortunate to have such a great response from entire telegram community. This year in 2019 we are aiming to take XCP to newer level being inspired by some amazing developers. For that we are implementing a automated bot system that will help the team to do things a little more faster. This bot has been designed by another developer/contributer to xiaomi community non other than yshalsager (the founder of Xiaomi Firmware Updater and lot more) So the bot will automatically post once the provided json file will be updated. This json file has certain parameter see this tabulation which explains each parameters used.
Param | Description | Required |
rom | Name of the ROM | Yes |
rom_tag | tag name of your ROM eg. lineage,pixys,rr,pixel | Yes |
version | what is the verison of ROM like lineage pie means version 16.0 | Yes |
build_type | Is your build official/unofficial/nightly/beta | Yes |
images | We got a images folder see if your build image is there of not contact the administator team. If yes then write its path name eg. images/lineagepie.jpg If you post lineage 16.0 | Yes |
build_date | Tell us when you made the build | Yes |
device | name of the device | Yes |
codename | codename of that device | Yes |
thread_link | XDA thread URL, eg: https://forum.xda-developers.com/g5-plus/development/rom-pixel-experience-t3704064 | Yes |
download_link | Link to download your ROM/kernel | Yes |
developer_name | Codename of that device | Yes |
developer_contact | Codename of that device | Yes |
group_link | If you have any telegram group link for that device or supported build | No |
changelogs | if you have in changelogs write down in a points format eg. -updated security patch | NO |
Build name | which image to use | path |
AEX 6.x | pic1 | images/pic1.jpg |
AOSiP Pie | pic2 | images/pic2.jpg |
Pure AOSP Pie | pic3 | images/pic3.jpg |
ArrowOS (oreo/pie) | pic4 | images/pic4.jpg |
Crdroid pie | pic5 | images/pic5.jpg |
Dark TWRP | pic6 | images/pic6.jpg |
DOTOS (OREO/PIE) | pic7 | images/pic7.jpg |
HAVOC OS | pic8 | images/pic8.jpg |
LineageOS 15.1 | pic9 | images/pic9.jpg |
LineageOS 16.0 | pic10 | images/pic10.jpg |
Liquid Remix | pic11 | images/pic11.jpg |
Magisk update | pic12 | images/pic12.jpg |
Miui 10 | pic13 | images/pic13.jpg |
Paranoid Android | pic14 | images/pic14.jpg |
AOSiP OREO | pic15 | images/pic15.jpg |
Any Gcam update | pic16 | images/pic16.jpg |
Pixel Experience | pic17 | images/pic17.jpg |
PixysOS | pic18 | images/pic18.jpg |
Poco Launcher | pic19 | images/pic19.jpg |
RevengeOS | pic20 | images/pic20.jpg |
Wolf Kernel (for rosy) | pic21 | images/pic21.jpg |
Resurrection Remix (Pie/oreo) | pic22 | images/pic22.jpg |
Superior OS | pic23 | images/pic23.jpg |
Syberia ROM | pic24 | images/pic24.jpg |
Viper OS (oreo/pie) | pic25 | images/pic25.jpg |
Franco Kernel | pic26 | images/pic26.jpg |
Organic Kernel (tullip) | pic27 | images/pic27.jpg |
Canting Kernel | pic28 | images/pic28.jpg |
Bootleggers | pic29 | images/pic29.jpg |
These are some of the currently avaiable images for the builds
if you see that any of your required image is missing/not available then contact the administartion team with some details on Telegram :- https://t.me/joinchat/BgnlGBFkoFRYwgk0A9alsw E-Mail :- xiaomichannelpro@gmail.com