You are requested to create a small part of a web application similar to socrative, kahoot, cms… In those application, student will login to a quiz session by providing their identity (user name) and the quiz session code (or room). Assume that there was a backend app, which provides features for teacher to generate and manage quiz sessions. You are requested to a frontend app for student to join and perform a given quiz session. Base on the given script, you have to create following page: Login Page for Student, Input Quiz Session Code, and Perform Quiz Page.
- Create a Login Page for student
- Create a Register Page
- Create Showing Questions in a Quiz Session
- Update the work of student to the database when they submitted the answer The Script file: QuizSystem.sql is put in the same folder with this requirement The database schema diagram as follow:
You can used Java Web Standard or Struts framework to create this part, but Struts framework is a preferred one with maximum score will be 10, otherwise, the maximum score is limited at 8. You are requested to do following tasks:
- Create a web page for teacher to input his name, and based on the name, the teacher identification will be specified.
- Create a web page to show the live progress of latest session quiz which is running.
- Teacher begin:
- Teacher can see all quiz, and choose quiz is progress...
- When student does'nt join
- After student input name, student redirect page to play quiz, and page teacher add more one student
- When student submit, that question not show and page teacher update question student done