Continuous assessment for Week 1 - Classical Encryption/Substitution Cipher
- Select a Wikipedia article of minimum 10,000 words as your plaintext P.
- Decide on a simple mono-alphabetic substitution cipher for the alphabet of English characters A to Z (be case agnostic) and use it as your encryption scheme E.
- Compute your ciphertext C as C = E(P) by encrypting only the alphabetic characters (leaving all other characters, symbols, etc as is)
- Compute the character frequency graph for your ciphertext C and draw it as a bar chart with x-axis in alphabetic order.
- Identify the 5 ciphertext characters with the highest frequency and speculate on the mapping to the plaintext characters in the alphabet.
- Prepare a partial decryption of the ciphertext with only the identified top-5 characters replaced with their corresponding plaintext guesses.
The code for encrypting
def Encrypt(v, Original, Key):
Encypted_String = ""
for i in v:
if i in Original:
Encypted_String = Encypted_String + Key[Original.find(i)]
Encypted_String = Encypted_String +i
return Encypted_String
The code for counting occurrence of characters
def CountCharacter(String):
Original = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
letter_dic = {}
for i in String:
if i in Original :
letter_dic[i] = letter_dic[i] + 1
letter_dic[i] = 1
print (letter_dic)
return letter_dic
- numpy
- matplotlib