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en app basic home

tgckpg edited this page Jan 30, 2016 · 4 revisions


Home page This is the home page, at the beginning there is nothing interesting to see here as long as we didn't add any content yet. TBH, this app is straight "readonly-notepad with additional features" that aim be enhance txt reading experience.

The main toolbar

Toolbar buttons

There are several buttons on the toolbar, along with the searchbox at the button. From left to right, they are:

  1. OneDrive Sync - Synchronize the bookshelf and auto anchors
  2. Spider action - There are two action it's context menu which will be described in the dedicated spider section
  3. Process all - Process all files listed below
  4. Open a txt directory - Once a directory is selected, the underlying file will be scanned and put under the file list below.
  5. Toggle bookshelf - it filters out the books you marked as favourites. No matter the source is available or not
  6. Settings - Go to the main settings

Using the text reader

It is crucial to know how this page works as it is counter intuitive compare to other pages. The point is how you offer your contents to the reader. And then, the reader constructs the reading environment.

Currently, there is 2 ways to put a book into the reader. The first is use the open directory button to scan the directory for parse-able contents. Second is import via spider script, which is also described in the dedicated section.

Importing text files

Open file

There are samples under the wenku10-samples project. Please find the file "10000.サンプル.txt" under the ja folder. ( Note: Since this was an app originally made for language that could be written vertically. It is best to use a file that represent those but I will explain the structure here. Horizontal layout is scheduled. )

Press the open directory button. Select the folder that contains parse-able text files.

Open file

After the directory is chosen, sooner or later ( depends on how many files were there ). Files will show up. By clicking the item. The parse process will start immediately.

Open file

If the parse is a success. It is denoted with a check mark. Congratulations, you can start reading now! Please go on to the Book Info page.

Some files are not parse-able. By clicking it, you will be directed to the source view. ( You can read here, in the end this is just an ordinary read only-notepad, but note that there will not be any feature available )

Open file

Source view

Importing Spider script

Importing spider script is easy. Just click the spider action -> import Spider. Then a book item will be automatically made with a spider icon on it. Clicking it will fire up the spider procedure. Which was just a fancy way to say parsing. Anyway, the results are the same. You can then head on to the book info view page.

Spider item

Yet the sample scripts can also be found under wenku10-samples project. For script making. Please go to the Spider section.

Toggling bookshelf

The bookshelf is just a marking that marks the basic book info and save it into a file. The file could then be synced to OneDrive. And even if the source does not exists. This item will persist until you manually unset it.

To "put an item to bookshelf", simply just right click an item. Then click add to bookshelf then you are done! The item will have a heart shape and a tilted rectangle resembling a favourite book.


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