Payvision test
Note: I do not inserted all the brandId available in the Payvision into the program so I inserted all the cards, all others will have brandName other. The commands are for linux.
These part of the program was build using Java 1.8 with Springboot
In the root of the project run the command:
./mvn tests
There was a test plan but did not had time to implement.
There is two ways to run the backend one with mvnw other using docker
Running with mvnw is easey in the root of the project run the following command:
./mvnw spring-boot:run -Dpayvision.username=code-challenge -Dpayvision.password=payvisioner
These will start a server in the port 8080. Note: If you want to change the username, password, url of page or extension to the resource use the following parameters in the startup
To run with doker is a three phase work. First you need to package the project. In the root of the project run:
./mvnw clean package
These will clean any previous compilations and package the project into a jar file.
In the folder there is already a Dockerfile with the configurations, so now build the image of docker.
docker build -t payvision-backend:latest .
In the Dockerfile can be configured the same fields as in MVNW way to run
Finally to run the docker just do the following command
docker run -p 8080:8080 payvision-backend:latest
- action (payment, authorize, credit)
- currencyCode (USD, EUR, GBP)
Created using Angular8 and boostrap
Not implemented
To run using ng go to the folder src/main/webapp and run the command:
npm install
ng serve -o
These will start the app and open a web browser with the application.
Note: To use these method you need to have install in your machine Angular CLI
Go to the folder in src/main/webapp and run the following command:
docker build -t payvision-frontend:latest .
These will compile and create an image with nginx to serve the application.
After complete the build just run the command:
docker run -p 4200:80 payvision-frontend:latest
The application can be access using the url